Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Monday, December 29, 2008

Girl or Boy???

That was the question...I now know what we are having and with out further ado...It is a GIRL!!!!! Yea!!! I am so excited! Jory says we are going to go broke, but I don't think so! I am so excited to dress her all up and put silly little headbands and bows in her hair! The shoes...the shoes for little girls. There is like two aisles in Target for girls shoes and like half of one for boys! Okay maybe we will go broke! LOL!!! Well that means that we will only have to pay for One wedding. Jory said he was hoping to pay for no weddings! LOL I think that he is as excited as I am that we are having a girl, she will be wrapped around his finger from the moment she is born! Daddys have a special place for daughters and mothers with sons! We are so lucky that God has given us this blessing! Anyways that is all that I wanted to let you know! Thanks for guessing!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Just another update!

So according to my sister-in-law, I have a TON to blog about!!! LOL!!! So here it goes...

Yesterday Christian hit a huge milestone in our potty training adventure. I call it an adventure because that is what it has been! He went POOP!!!! Yes I am going to talk about my sons poop on the world wide web!!! He was so funny though, so I can't pass up telling you all about it! I was finishing getting ready for the day, and he comes in with his pj's unzipped and half off! He said "potty mommy" so we went into his bathroom and he sits on the potty and then he says "Mommy leave" I did not know what to say to that so I proceed to leave and then he says "close door mommy" I really did not know what to say to that, so I just chuckled and closed the door so it was just open a crack and so I could see him in the mirror. I watched him and he was pushing as hard as he could and he was turning red and then I heard it! The plopping of the water. So I knocked on the door and said "are you done?" He said "No! Leave!!!" I laughed and closed the door again! A few minutes later he said all done! I give him some toilet paper and he wipes and then he gets off the pot then I see! He really did poop! I said "GOOD JOB!!!!!!!" We high-fived and then flushed and washed our hands! He was so proud of himself and so was I! He has been doing a really good job about peeing on the toilet but not #2! I am so proud of my little boy!

We had our Christmas concerts this past weekend at church! They were awesome! We have so much talent at our church! I even directed two songs in front of the Youth Choir. Mom was in front of KCC (the children's choir) Roger was directing orc. and adult choir, so that left me! I was SOOOOO nervous about that! I have never directed anything so i was nervous that I would screw something up! I think that I did okay! I had my eyes glued on Roger and on my Mom! I guess It was good practice for me. I need to go outside of my comfort zone every once in a while!
Anyways the concerts were a smashing hit!

We had Christmas with Jorys Dad and Sister on Sunday night! It was fun! We had it at Jennys house! She was so funny, she said she wanted to host something because she sees my sister and I host Thanksgiving and Christmas at our houses and she wanted to get in on that too! She is a good hostess!! I just love Jen and Jeremy's home! It is so beautiful! She has such good decorating
sense. and I love how she decorates for Christmas! It is so homey (sp) and warm! Poor Chase, he was so sick and so tired on Sunday. Poor kid he did not want to open anything, or play with anything! You know he was not feeling good if he did not want to play! Anyways we had a good time and good food! Thanks Jen for hosting!

Okay so I think that is it for now. I am not going to blog about Christmas yet. I will in a few days tho! Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

My Friend

Hey all, my good friend Janell has a new blog. She has started to make jewelry out of polymer clay. Her designs are really unique. She is very talented and she is taking orders. Check out her blog, I have it on the side with the rest of the blogs I look at. Have a good day!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Is it a Boy or a Girl???

Hummm, What do you think? The heart rate is normally around 160 bpm, and it is being difficult by not letting us see its little parts. Hummm, well I went to drop some stuff off to my friend Mel at my Doctors office, and of course she scanned me. She scanned me for about 1/2 an hour. Well she is not for sure yet, only 96% sure, so what do you think???? She said if it was in her belly she would say it was a ____!!!!! Hummm am I being to tricky???? You will all find out soon!!!! But let me see you guess! I might tell you if you are right! That is all I have for now!!! So tell me what you think!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Christmas Time is Here...

Okay so for the last few days I have been working on getting all of my beautiful Christmas decor up. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this time of year. I think that I love it because of the comfy cozy warmness that certain Christmas decorations bring. I love Christmas trees, as you will see in the pictures. If I can just get my tree topper to stay on the top of the tree that would be great! I feel like I have not even begun to think about shopping. Well that is because I have not! LOL I need to light a fire under my butt and get going! Well Here are a few pictures of my decorations! Enjoy!
My landing on the way up the stairs

My Railing on the stairs (Duh)

Wall in my living room

Fireplace (duh again)

The TREE!!! It is squished in the corner!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Turkey Day To Do List:

Okay since I am hosting Thanksgiving Dinner at my house, there is stuff I need to get done! So here they are:

  • Go to Target (paper plates and other items that I need for the house)
  • Clean Kitchen
  • Iron Chair Covers
  • Vacuum ALL carpets
  • Clean Bathroom(s)
  • Make cornbread (for dressing)
  • Figure out what plates I want to use for dinner (Cape cod, or White Square)
  • Get Christian's high-chair ready
  • Dust the dinning room table
  • Put leafs in the table
  • Empty shoe basket by the door (no shoes in my house)
Well I think that is it for right now! I am sure I will think of more stuff to do. I really don't have a ton to do, I just cleaned my house late last week b/c of my At Home America Party. So my house is clean, there are just toys everywhere. Oh well it is just family! Well I hope that you all have a great Thanksgiving! Enjoy!
Oh yeah here is my Menu too!

  • 2 Turkeys (one fried and one roasted)
  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Noodles
  • Dressing
  • relish tray
  • Sweet Potatoes (Grandma is bringing them)
  • Bread rolls
  • Pumpkin Pies (Mom is making those)
  • Fruit
  • Hash brown Casserole
  • Cinnamon rolls
  • Juice and Milk

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Beth!!!! LOL 2 1/2 Months Late!!!!

Okay so I am sitting here with my best friend Beth, and she said Dy post my pictures from my birthday! We went to dinner at Brio down on the Plaza. Her boyfriend Chris and his parents, Beth's parents, and another best friend of Beth's all went to dinner! It was so much fun! We had GREAT food and lovely atmosphere! You should see the salad that Beth got! FUNNY it came with a steak knife! LOL! Who would of thought that a salad needed a STEAK KNIFE!!! Anyways here are a few pictures! Love you Beth! Thanks for sharing your day with us!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Okay Really???

So being pregnant is not so bad this time around...I have not been as sick as I was with Christian. Thank God for that. I have however had these HORRIBLE migraines! I talked to Jill, my mid-wife on Thursday this past week, and told her that I was getting these horrible migraines and my Tylenol was just not cutting the pain. She gave me a stronger med that would cut the pain! Well I have not gotten it filled yet and last night I got one. Well I woke up this morning and I still had it! I was thinking OH NO I have to cut Jeremy's hair this morning, I hope I don't get sick when he is here. Well Jenny sent me a message, saying that Chase, my nephew was sick and Jeremy was going to have to stay at home with him today. Good thing, because I was completely not able to function this morning. In fact I am still feeling poopy! Oy....I am glad I am not as sick as I was when I was prego with Christian, but these migraines SUCK!!! So hence the title of my entry! Really?? I just had to vent a little, I can't wait till I have some energy back! The prize at the end of the tunnel is going to be worth it!

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Okay to all of you readers...I need to know who you are. If you leave a comment on my blog please sign your name. I want to know who you all are! So if you do not blog, and you leave a comment by anonymous please sign your name. Thanks!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Well Well Well...McCain Lost

Okay so it was a historic night last night...The first African American Man is elected President. To tell you the truth, I am NOT a fan. I think that he has no experience leading. The 2 years that he was in the Senate, he was campaigning for the presidency for one of those years! Wow! I am amazed at our country is so desperate for change that they would elect someone with such little experience. Oh well I guess that is what makes us a free country! Well I think that he has a lot of ground to cover. There are still a lot of people who are not crazy about him! We will see how this country goes over the next 4 years! Well this is MY blog and I have the right to say that I am not crazy about the turn out of the election! I hope that God will protect us and our country.

Monday, November 3, 2008

I guess I have been tagged!

Well everyone that reads my blog knows Jen and they have been tagged too! So I decided to just post 7 random things about myself to amuse my sis-in-law! So here they are...

1) I am 9 1/2 weeks prego. This is our 2nd and my friend Mel thinks that I am going to have a girl! I also go to a Mid-wife this go around! I really like her, and she might be coming to me to get her hair done! So not only is she going to deliver my baby. but she will be my client! Funny huh?!?!

2) I like to clean! It is fun to me! Weird huh? Who really likes to clean? I guess me! I have not really been in the mood to clean lately...morning sickness kinda curbs my cleaning drive! My mom would say that my house is always clean, but it is not!

3) I am so happy that my hair business is picking up! I love being a stay at home Mom, but I also love doing hair! I have the best of both worlds...I don't have the drama of a salon, but I feel like I have my own salon! Now if the basement was done, it would feel more like my own salon! Everyone who comes to me doesn't mind flipping their head in to my immaculately clean kitchen sink, but I still feel bad! I have the best Hubby in the world to be giving up part of the basement for my "salon"!!!

4) I have never in my life been a Mini Van type of person! Personally I think that those women who drive mini vans are CRAZY SOCCER MOMS!!!! They run people off the road and such! But since I have had a child, I want one! I will probaly be one of those CRAZY SOCCER MOMS, but the good thing is that I really don't drive that much anymore, so I don't know if that is a good thing or not! By the way I want a Honda Oddsey! They are the best looking vans if I do say so myself!

5) I like gloomy weather...it doesn't make me depressed like it does to other people. It makes me want to curl up with Hot apple cider and watch a movie or a book! I love rain, snow and just grey skys! I could live in Seatle, WA.

6) I like hositng partys! Any kind of party! I love to plan the food and clean and have people in my house! I LOVE people! I think that I love to have people over because I talk 2 year old everyday and i think that Jory gets tired if me me talking his ear off when he gets home. So therefore I like to have people over so I can talk their ears off too! LOL Speaking of...I am having a At Home America Pary at my house on the 21 of November at 7pm, if anyone would like to come they are welcome!

7) I have only had a craving for rainbow sherbert and grape soda since I found out that I was prego! Funny! No pickles and ice cream, acually the smell of pickles makes me sick! Yuck! Yeah right now even the thought of pickles is not making me feel that great! Okay stopping now!

Okay so there is my random things about me! Hope you enjoyed! I live a pretty plain life! Hope you are happy Jen!

Vote Tomorrow! I hope our county doesn't go down the toliet! I might move to England! We will see! Pray that our country is safe!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Crazy Video

Okay I usually don't put forwards on my blog, but this is a crazy video that I think that you might like! It is like 4 1/2 minutes long but it is funny! My mother sent this to me! Enjoy!


Okay so I could not download it so just put the link in your search engine! It is worth seeing!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Big News

Hey all! We have big news to share with you all. Jory and I are Pregnant. We are due on May 27 2009. That is 3 days before Jory's Birthday. That is what we wanted. Jory has always said that he would like a baby around his birthday. It is right before Memorial Day and we always go to the lake then. This baby is going to grow up on the lake! Christian did. He loves the water. Anyways, that makes us 7 1/2 weeks along. I am starting to feel sick, and nauseous all the time. I was really sick with Christian and I remember how horrible it was and I am hoping that this baby will be different. So far it is not. I was debating on telling people when I am only 7 weeks along, but it is hard to keep it a secret. I am still not telling a whole lot of people at church, but if someone asks I will tell them.
We switched OB doctors with this baby. I feel really comfortable at this office. My good friend Melody works for them, doing Sonograms, so she gets to be the one who scans me. That is exciting for me. She is really good at her job. I am seeing a Mid-wife, named Jill. She is really great. She is not a traditional mid-wife, so she believes in using medicine. That is a good thing. I thought that I had a high tolerance for pain, but I guess I don't!!!! I did get and epidural (sp) with Christian and it made my labor so much easier. I will go ahead and plan on getting one with this one too! We will see.
I will keep you all posted on how I am feeling and such. I hope that your lives are going good!
So I guess that is our big news! Just thought that you all would like to know!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

It is FIXED!!!

Dirty Dirty Carpet...at least it is not RED!!!!

My carpet is FIXED!!!! I had a guy come out today and look at my carpet and fix it! I owe a big thanks to Chris because he is the one who told me this guys name! He did a great job. I can tell now that me carpets need to be desperately cleaned. Once they are cleaned you won't even be able to tell that I had it patched! YEA!!!! No more red carpet! Just bright white compared to the older stuff! See how dirty my carpet is???

Christian today was so funny...For the last two days he has not taken a nap. We had bible study on Tuesday and he fell asleep on the way home and woke up when we got home and I tried for an hour to get him to fall back asleep and it was just not working. Yesterday I went and worked out early and I was going to put him down for a early nap, because I had a doctors appointment and Grandma and Grandpa Swim were going to watch him for me at 1pm at Scott's house. Well he did not want to fall asleep at 10:30 and it was an uphill battle from there, so I just gave up! We ate lunch and went over to Scott's. Well today I was determined to have him take a nap! Two days without one was starting to take a toll on me! So at 11 after the carpet guy left, I could tell he was tried so I said lets go up stairs and take a nap. He said " Mommy's room nap?" I said "ummm, well can we take a nap in your room?" He said "No Mommy" "Mommy room nap" I said "Okay we need to change your diaper and then we can go into my room and take a nap." So I changed his diaper and then said, "get into your bed" he said " Mommy's room" I thought I could out smart the kid, I was wrong! So instead of having a fight with him and chancing him not taking a nap I said "what the heck!" So he ran into my room and climbed up on Jorys side and pulled the covers up on him and started blinking heavy! It was great! He had a two hour nap without a fight! It was great! I guess it was because my room is dark and cool, there are very few toys in it and so it is not overstimulating! I might have to have him start taking naps in there! I just don't want him to sleep in there at night time! He does really good at bed time, because his room is dark and cool then too! So anywho that is my silly boy! I can't believe that he said "Mommy No, Mommy's room!" That was too funny! I just love that little boy!

I guess that is all I have for now

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Carpet, Red Nail Polish and The Kid!

Okay so here is the story....
I was bored last night and so I decided to paint my nails. I keep my nail polish up on the shelf in the front closet so it is easy access for me to cut and file them short. I don't like my nails long and so I do them once a week or so. Well this time I decided that I would paint my nails Cha Cha Cherry. It is a dark pinkish reddish color. It was late and I was tired so I left my polish sitting next to the chair I was sitting in, and decided I would pick it up in the morning and put it away! Boy was I wrong in doing that! Jory is always on me for not putting it away. Well he was right! Christian decided to come downstairs this morning while I was in the shower. He normally stays in my room and watches PBS and plays with toys that I have in there, but this morning he got the idea he wanted to go downstairs. So I get out of the shower and call his name, he does not answer...I said "OH NO!!!!" "He is in the cabinet again and I have food all over my floor again!" So I went down stairs and smelled right away nail polish! I said "NO, NO, NO, NO!!!!" I turned on the light and saw it. Bright reddish pinkish nail polish all over my floor! I could not get mad at Christian, because It was not his fault, IT WAS MINE!!!!! AHHHHH!!!! So I called my mom and said "Mom how do you get red nail polish off of carpet!" She told me to use nail polish remover and then to Google it. So I did. It told me to use oxy clean, hydrogen peroxide, bleach, brake fluid and all sorts of other chemicals! Like I was going to use brake fluid on my carpet! I did however try just about everything else. I worked on getting the stain out for over two hours and it was not working! I think that it made it worse. Oh well... I think that I might have someone come out and give me a quote to have the section cut out and have my extra carpet laid down. We will see how much that costs! Anyways here are some pictures of my beautiful carpet! So the moral of the story is DON'T LEAVE NAIL POLISH SITTING OUT WITH A TWO YEAR OLD RUNNING AROUND!
The Culprit

The mess.... and Oxy Clean

The Mess again right in the middle of my floor!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Random Thoughts Part 2

Random thoughts of the day....
  • I miss Jory
  • I don't like how early it gets dark now
  • What a weird commercial
  • I want Christian to be potty trained
  • I love this weather (cool and rainy)
  • I hate the news on Channel 5
  • I love blogging
  • I need a new car
  • I can't wait to get the basement finished
  • Those guys got a lot done down there this past weekend
  • I love doing hair
  • I love being a mommy
  • I want to have a date night with Jory...he is too busy :(
  • Jory's Grandpa is cancer free...that is what the last tests showed
  • I think that I might watch Pride and Predigest (sp)
  • Christian is going to be a turkey for Halloween
  • This show is weird...It is called Worst Week...it is really stupid
  • I hope it is a good winter...lots of SNOW!!!!! $$$$$$
  • I know everyone else hates snow but it helps put food on my table and pay our bills...
I don't have a whole lot of randomness....but there it is!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Think Pink!

Hey Ladies and Gents who read my blog! It is Breast Cancer Awareness month this month! I just wanted to remind you all how important it is to do self exams monthly! Or even better bi-weekly! Breast Cancer is such an UGLY disease and it has become a very real thing to me ever since my dear Grandma and my Strong Mom have had to fight it! I just love everyone and I don't want any of you to have to go through it! SO THINK PINK!!!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Christian's 2nd Birthday

Hello...It has been a while! Well we just got done with a very busy weekend! Christian's 2nd Birthday Party was on Friday, and we had Pastor Installation Sunday on Sunday. I feel like I am still recovering!
Christian's actual Birthday was on Thursday. I had a doctors appointment that morning and after that my Mom and I took Christian to Chucky Cheese to play for his Birthday. We went to the one in Olathe, and my mom said hey why don't we see what Grandma Plaskett is doing!?!!! So I called her and said Grandma do you want to go to Chucky Cheese with us? and She said SURE!!!! So we went and picked her up! It was so much fun! Christian walked in and said wow!!! he was so cute! I think that he was a little overwhelmed. There is SO much to do there! He did love putting the "money" in the machines! He thought that it was the greatest thing! He kept running over to my mom and saying "money, money??" and she would just give him a few coins and he would come running back and put them in the little car he was riding! He was such a good little boy!
Friday was his party! We just had a few people over, like family and a few of Jory and my close friends. It was fun! Christian was banking on cars and toys! He got his bike! He was so excited about that! He did not want to let his cousin ride his bike! Poor Chase! The party was fun. He loved opening his presents and looking at all of his new toys! it was fun watching him. He is getting so big!
He was having this terrible time with the temper tantrums right before he turned 2, and it was like as soon as he turned 2 they stopped! He has been so good and he is just wanting to learn all the time! He picks something new up everyday! Jory is out of town until Thursday this week and I know when he comes home he is going to be like when did he start doing that and when did he start doing this! I don't see it as much as Jory does, but I know that he is getting smarter and smarter everyday!
Well that is all I have for right now! I will post some pictures real soon!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Busy Busy

Here is my To Do List for the next few days!! In Random order of course!!!

  • Do laundry
  • mop kitchen floors, bathroom (3), front entry way floors
  • clean all bathrooms
  • vacuum
  • dust
  • make brisket (Christian's B-party) It takes 11 hours to cook! YUMMMMM
  • order Christian's cake
  • go to store (food for Christian's B-day party)
  • go to doctor appointment tomorrow
  • sing Happy Birthday to Christian
  • Choir
  • clean windows
  • Put Christian's new bike together
  • Wrap his presents
  • Get pinata, and other party supplies (plates, napkins, cups, thank you's...ect)
  • Pick up cake on Friday
That is all that I can think of right now! I can't believe that my little man is going to be 2!!!! I love him so much and he is growing up to be such a kind little boy!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Back to Normal...or What should be Normal

Well my Mom, Christian and I just got back from Greenville, NC. We went to visit my Grandparents (my Mom's Dad). We had a good time. Alot of visiting. Christian had a GREAT time flying. He was a very good boy! He kept saying, "airplane, airplane!!!" It was so cute! He did a good job sitting on my lap and sitting still. He watched movies and colored. Again he was very good.

Well I guess we are back to normal...this week is VERY busy. Christian's 2
nd Birthday is on Thursday. We are running all around trying to get ready for his party on Friday night. We are just having family and close friends of ours over. It was too much to get a huge birthday party together with me being out of town the weekend before, and besides that he won't remember it. Then to top it off, it is Pastor installation Sunday on Sunday. We get our new Pastor. Dr. Brad Estep. I am so excited, but I volunteered to make 4 dozen mini cupcakes for Sunday night! WOW I am insane! So I guess that I am glad to be back and busy!

So that is a quick little update for

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Complete Randomness!

  • Chase and Christian are just like brothers!
  • How do mothers of twins do it!?!?! (I praise you Grandma and Cindy)
  • WOW My nephew can drink! Water that is!
  • My son is playing with my garden butterfly!
  • What a beautiful day!
  • I am NOT bored today!
  • I went to bible study with two two year olds! I am CRAZY!!!
  • I hope I am pregnant!
  • My heart is broken for a friend of mine! I wish she would have told us!
  • I love Jory! I love him more each day!
  • Christian is my pride and joy!
  • I am glad that KCC started up again! I just love those kids!
  • I love all of my friends! They just don't know how much they mean to me
  • No offense Jen...but I am glad that I am done watching Chase on Thursday! I am tired!
  • Jory's Mom's B-day is on Thursday!
  • My best friend Beth's B-day is on Friday!
  • I can't wait to get dressed up and go out to dinner with her! (Beth)
  • I love Fall
  • My cat is outside and she is not supposed to be! Ut Oh!!! Bad kitty
  • What color of mums should I plant? Orange in the front...I know that, plus they would look rocken awesome in my blue planters!
I guess that is enough randomness for one day! I love all of you who read my CRAZY mind!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I know it has been FOREVER since I last updated!!!

Well it has been 3 weeks or more since I last gave you an update! I have been busy and I have know idea where my camera is! I have pictures on there that I want to share with you, but I can't find the darn thing!
We have been busy little bee's lately. Jory and I are winding down our summer.Jory is still working a ton and we have both been going down to the lake at least every other weekend. We just got back from a wonderful weekend at the lake. We are so glad that we have friends that have a place that they are willing to share with us at the lake. Christian has become a fish! I guess he is taking after his last name! He really has no fear when it comes to water. He loves jumping off the back of the boat into the water! Funny story...We were parked in a cove on the boat the other day and he was jumping off the back of the boat. Brandon was swimming up to the boat on a raft to get out and he was about to climb up the ladder when Christian was going to jump off into my arms when at last minute he turned and jumped over Brandon onto the raft that Brandon was just on! I was on the other side! It was so funny! Fearless this kid is! We love going to the lake and I hope that we will be able to do this as a family as long as possible!
I have also been busy...I have been watching my nephew a few days a week until he turns 2 at the end of next week. Chase and Christian are 11 days apart and they love playing together. Chase is a little bigger than Christian, but Christian is on his own turf and he turns out to bully Chase more that the other way around! They play pretty well together most of the time. They tend to act like brothers, because they see each other alot.
We are planing on staying home this coming weekend. Chase's Birthday party is on Saturday night and I am having my best friend and her new boyfriend over for dinner I hope on Friday night. I can't wait to meet him. He sounds like a really neat guy and it sounds like he is head over heals for her, and vice versa! My Mom has already meet him. They ran into each other at the Irish Fest this last weekend. I am so jealous!!
Choir stars up tomorrow. I know my Mom has been really busy getting stuff ready for it to go smoothly! I just love those kids! I will miss the kiddos that graduated out of the program this last year! They were a really neat group of teens. I guess they are not "kids" anymore...they are teens! AHHH They grow up so fast!
In two weeks, Mom and I are going to go to North Carolina to see my Grandpa. He has not seen Christian since he was really small. I know that he is really excited to see him! It will be Christian's first plane ride too! That will be interesting! I hope he is good! We will be gone from the 18th-21st! It will be fun!
Christian turns 2 on September 25. I am not going to throw him a big party. I am just going to have family and some close friends that are important in his life over. I was going to have some of his church friends over, but I just don't think that he will remember it. So when he turns 3 that might be when I start inviting a few of his friends over for the whole birthday thing! I am planning on making his cake though. I think that I might make a "Cars" cake. He really likes the "Cars" movie and anything to do with cars! So wish me luck with the icing! I hope that it turns out okay! I think that I will have his party on the 27th of September! I can't believe that he is going to be 2!!! Time flies!
Well I hope that my update has filled you in with our lives for the past few weeks. I will try not to wait so long to update next time!


Thursday, August 7, 2008

A Couple of Updates!

So here it is....We have a new Pastor! The Church voted and the Esteps' accepted! Thank the Lord! It feels good to have a pastor again! They are not coming until September 28. So it is a little less than two months, but it still feels good.

Christian had his surgery today! It went really well. He did SOOOO good! Children's Mercy is a GREAT hospital! I would recommend it to anyone that has kids! We got there at about ten till 7am this morning. He was wide awake and happy. We got checked in and then the nurse called us back to get him ready for the surgery. She was really great with Christian and I think that he had a crush on her! Yes my son is a flirt! Anyways we got him changed into his tiny little gown and socks! Everything was kid size! It was awesome! She took him into the "Toy Room" that is where the scale and blood pressure machines were and there was shelves of TOYS!!!! Christian was in Heaven! When she took his blood pressure she turned on this bubble machine, and we all know that my son LOVES bubbles! It took his mind off of the cuff squeezing his leg! Again I can't say it enough, that hospital was GREAT!!!! Then we just had to wait to talk to the Doctors and while we were waiting for that, he was able to drive around in a toy car! No one seemed annoyed with him driving it around and he was completely comfortable! He was not stressed and was not crying. It was great! We talked to the Doctors and then it was time for him to go to the OR. We walked with him most of the way, and then we gave kisses and hugs and Jory and I waited until his surgery was done! It took like 10 minutes or so. It was VERY quick. Dr. Roh came out and said that he did great and it would not be long
until we were able to go back and see him! Then a guy from post op came and got us. We went back and on the way back to the recovery room he said you might not get him back, because he was winning over all the nurses in post op! LOL I said " I know my son is the biggest flirt!" We walked around the corner and he said "MOMMY, DADDY!!!!" In a tired sort of voice. He was sitting on a nurses' lap. She gave us the discharge instructions and paperwork and she said that he could get dressed and we could go! He got a shirt from them and lots of love! We were out of there at 8:45 am! I know!! That is FAST!!!! We came home and he acted normal! He played for a while and then he was starting to get fussy and so I gave him some Tylenol and put him to bed. He slept for about 3 1/2 hours. He has been playing ever since!

Okay I know that you did not need to know the details, but it is my blog and I can ramble if I want to! So that is that!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

New Pastor???

Well I went to church last night for a meeting to meet the new possibility for our pastor! His name is Dr. Brad Estep. He has been a pastor for a little over 15 years. He is currently serving in central FL. I really liked him. His wife is really nice as well! Her name is Dawn. They have two kids Christopher and Katheryn (12 and 10) To tell you the truth, it was a little weird last night. Not meeting him, but the whole fact that I was close with Pastor Tim and Cindy. I felt like I was comparing them (Brad and Dawn) to Tim and Cindy. I had a little break down on the way to the church. It was all the sudden and I could not help myself, but I cried. I know that we as a church have to move on and heal, but I want Tim and Cindy back! I guess you can call it my selfish wants but I miss them. The good thing was that they had similarities to Tim and Cindy. I really like what Dr Brad Estep said last night. He had really good answers to questions that the congregation had. He said that that it doesn't matter the worship styles as long as we have one goal to work together to make the mission of the church real and help bring people to the Lord. I really liked that! Well, we vote on Sunday and I guess we will see. I hope we get a new pastor soon. I don't think that our church could heal without the leadership. I really think that this guy could help with that! So we will see!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

It is on the books!

Well Christian's Surgery is on the books. It will be on August 7th. A week from today! I will have to admit that I am a little nervous about it. He will have to be put under, and that just makes me nervous with his little body. But the good thing is that he will be up and running around in no time! He is having it done at Children's Mercy South. They are really great there. A very dear friend used to work there and she always spoke very highly of them. So I know that he will be in good hands!

I can't wait to see the difference if any it will make! I will keep you all updated! Thanks for your prayers!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Hair Cut!!!!

I did it! I finally cut his hair!!!! It has been six months or more since I really cut his hair! I was growing it all out but his hair is so straight that it started to look untidy. I like my men clean cut! So here are a few pictures of his hair before and after! Enjoy!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Moose, Moose where are you!?!?!?

Okay so it has been a LONG time since I have washed Mr. Moose. He got a bath today. Now for you to understand how hard it is to get Mr. Moose away from Christian for 1 hour, I have been tempted to wash him at night when he is asleep and not holding on to him. Well today I said to Christian after breakfast, after he ran his Moose through his blueberry syrup," it is time for Mr. Moose to get a bath", and we went into the laundry room and I said "give moose a kiss and put him in the tub." He gave moose a kiss and then he started to put moose in the washer and then he said "NOOOO!!!!!!! " I said" Christian Moose is all sticky and he needs a bath." So together we put moose in the washer. We started it and watched moose go round and round! He keeped going into the laundry room to check and see if he was done yet. It was so cute. When he was done with the washer, we put him in the dryer. Now Christian thought that Moose was having a grand ol' time in the dryer because he keep laughing at him going round and round. Again he keeped going in to the room to see if he was done. Finally he was done and Christian came and got me and said "Mommy, MOOO!!!!!" So we went and got him and he has not let go of him since.
Moose is his lovey, He does not go
anywhere without him and God forbid we leave and forget Moose we will hear "MOOSE, MOOSE, MOOSE!!!" I was the same way with my blanklet. Mom and Grandma said that I used to bang on the washer untill my blanklet was done washing. We have front loading washer and dryer so Christian can see his friend take a swim!!! There was no banging just watching and a little crying! At least my son has a Moose that he loves and it is not a pink fluffy bunny of some sort. It is sorta manly! Right?? Here are a few pictures of him watching and waiting!!! Enjoy!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Kids Driving and Locking Me OUT!!!!

Okay so I park my car in the garage and I leave my keys in the car. I figured if someone breaks into my house they can take my car! LOL (Jory would kill me if he knew I said that!!) So Christian and I get back from Walmart just a little bit ago, and I took him out of his seat and close the garage. He climbs into my car on the drivers side and says "drive, drive" but it sounds like"ride, ride." I am taking stuff out of my car when I hear the door shut and I said to myself "oh no my keys are in the car!" As soon as I thought it he hit the door lock!!!!! OMG!!!!! I tried for about 20 mins trying to get him to open the door and he just kept laughing and hitting the garage door button. In fact he hit every button other than the one I wanted him too!! I have a spare key to my car, but I have not had it since we have moved into the house 1 year ago!! So after 20 minutes of that nonsence I decided to look in all of my hand bags and totes for my spare keys!! If you know me you know that it is alot!!! LOL. Well luckly I found them! They were in a purse that I have not used in a while. Go fig! So I was able to open the door. I am VERY lucky that he did not do that at Walmart or anywhere outside. It is like 95* today and It would have gotten hot in the car REAL fast! I would have been real worried! It scarred me enough just having him locked in the car in the garage! So the moral of the story is don't leave you keys in the car if you let your 2 year old "drive"!!! He will drive you crazy trying to get him OUT!!!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Veggie Puree

So a few posts back I said I was doing this new way of cooking! Well it is working like a charm!! Christian is getting his veggies and he loves the food! I am sorta making up my own recipes along the way too. So far I have not goofed anything up yet! When Christian was first born I tried to make him baby food. Well I sucked at it. It is basically the same thing as making the puree's! I think when I was making the baby food, I was not steaming the veggies long enough! Well now I fell like a pro! I am SO making my own baby food for the next baby! Who knows when that will be! LOL Julie and Mom you both will be so proud of me! Anywho I just had to tell you about the new way of eating! It is WORKING!!!!! YEA!!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Tongue

The Tongue. Well Christian had his appointment today with Dr. Lisa Roh, at the ENT of Kansas City. Well she said that he will have to have it clipped. She said that it was completely my decision, but her recommendation was that we went ahead and took care of it. The bad part about it is, that he will have to be knocked out to do it. It is not something that could be taken care of in the office, because he is just too young and I would not want to hold him still that long! He is in the inbetween stage to do it there. So we will have to schedulal his surgery at one of the hospitals. I hope that our insurance will let us go to Childrens Mercy South. They are really good with kids. So lets pray that we can go there! Anywho I just wanted to update you all on the tongue situation! So there you have it. And that is all I have for right now!

Monday, July 21, 2008

The Lake

Hello Hello!!!! Well we are back from the lake! We had a grand ol time! My parents were supposed to come down, but my Mom was SOOOO wiped after her week away at Pre-teen camp. So they did not come down, but Adam and Paula were there and Brandon and Janell too. Plus Paula's parents were in town as well! It was a nice and relaxing weekend. Jory and I went down on Thursday and came back on Sunday morning. We had a great time on the boat. Christian was so funny, he was jumping off the back of the boat. He loved it! I was such a mom tho, because I keep holding on to the back of his life jacket. Well anyways, That is all I can think of right now! Here are a few pictures and videos. The videos are of Brandon, Paula and Jory! Enjoy!

Monday, July 14, 2008

A New Thing!

Well now that I am a mom, I think about how many fruits and veggies that Christian is getting on a daily basis. When he was born I swore to myself that I would NOT be the mom that makes two meals at lunch and at dinner. I still have not done that, but maybe once or twice. He started off by eating lots of fruits and veggies and as he has gotten older I have had a hard time getting him to eat the veggies at dinner. Dr. Oz ( off the Oprah Show) says that it is perfectly normal for a child NOT to like his or her veggies. They tend to eat the fruits because they are sweet. Kids I guess have 3 times more taste buds than the average normal adult. Go fig! That is why I find myself telling Christian eat you green beans or eat your, whatever! So I was watching Oprah the other day, and she had Jessica Seinfeld on and she had this cook book out called "Deceptively Delicious!" It is full of the kids favorites. Such as Mac & Cheese, Chicken Nuggets...ect! Well they are not just the regular ingredients but they have veggies in them. Veggie Puree to be exact! What a GREAT idea! So that is what I am going to do while Christan is sleeping tomorrow making veggie puree! I am so excited about this. The food looks wonderful and healthy. I have been working out at least 4 days a week now and I have been giving myself a guilt trip if I don't go. I am seeing results already, and with this new way of cooking, maybe I will get the veggies in that I normally don't eat. I am all for trying something new you know!

Jory and I last Friday, took Christian to the ball game! Woo hoo, he did really well. I guess I should say that my parents took us to the game. We went with them! It was so much fun! Christian really liked Cracker Jacks! I just gave him the bag and he sat there eating them for like 4 or 5 endings. He danced and OOOOed and AHHHed for the fireworks and flirted with the gal behind us! What a ladies man! All in all it was fun for all!

We are off to the lake again this coming weekend. My parents are coming down with us. I am needing to get on the boat and have some fun in the sun! Can't wait!

So I guess that my Mom and Christan and I are going to go to North Carolina sometime in September to visit my Grandpa Bru. I guess that he can hardly wait till we come and see him. That will be my first time flying with Christian. I don't know how that will go. I am sure that it will be fine, My mom will be with me to help. Christian is pretty good so I won't have to worry about him pulling the emergency exit or anything!

So that is my boring life...I really don't have much going on, but I will post some pics of the lake trip when I get back from that.

Oh yeah and I had a GREAT time seeing my cousins, almost all of them on the Plaskett side yesterday! The only cousin that was missing was Angie! We sure missed her! It was great seeing Adrienne and Carly. I sure missed them! They are both in San Fran working and living a fun and exciting life! I think that they would argue with me about that, but to me it is exciting!

Anywho that is all if have for now!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Happy Anniversary!!!

Well like an idiot, I forgot to tell you that on this past Saturday was Jory and my 5 year wedding Anniversary! It started out crummy, but ended nicely. (Get your mind out of the gutter!!!!) On Friday, Jory told me that he told my dad that he would work for part of the day. I said okay because the job payed like $50/hour! He would be stupid to turn that down. Well he thought that he would be done around 2pm or so. That was fine I said I would go to lunch with one of my friends. Well I did not end up going to lunch, Christian was still sick so I opted not to go. So around 2pm Jory calls and said it would be more like 4pm before they were done. Okay I said...I was a little irritated, but what can you do right? So I call him back around 3pm and ask if he wanted me to drop off Christian to my parents, or if he wanted me to wait for him, he said no go ahead and that he would be home around 6pm. AHHHH by that statement I was ticked off. I have no idea why I was SO ticked, but I was. I felt like my whole anniversary was wasted by myself. After all it was on a Saturday and I wanted to spend as much time with him as possible! That is not too much to ask for!?! Anywho, I drop Christian off and then come home and wait, and wait and wait. Jory calls and said that he was starving and he could not wait to see me. Already it is getting better! When he gets home he gets all cleaned up and we head down to the Plaza. I wanted to eat at Bucca di Beppo. It is a really good Italian restruant down on the Plaza. Jory then asked me what I wanted to do after that. Movie, carriage ride, shop? Well I said I would like to see a movie, but I needed to run to Victoria's Secret to get a new white bra, I ended up getting a new nightgown too! It is really soft and pretty. We when to the theater down on the plaza and saw the new Angelina Jolie movie, Wanted. It was pretty good, I enjoyed it, however I wish that there was not so much cussing. They used the "F" word alot. I don't like that! Oh well once I got past that, it was good. So anyway Jory treated me to a good night out on the big town! He did good! I love him more and more each day!

That is all I got today!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Paranoid Mama and the ER run!

HA HA now you know I am paranoid! Now that I have recovered from the night before last, I will tell you about it!

Well it all started on Thursday morning, Christian woke up with a fever of 101.5*. Well he has had that high of a temp before, so I gave him some Tylenol and went to the gym. We came home and played, he was acting normal. He played hard, and when I made him lunch he looked at it and started crying! He normally digs right into his corn dog when I cook that for him! So he did not eat lunch and so I took him upstairs to take his nap. After all he was crying and he just looked tired. There were no objections from him when I took him up there and said lay down and when you wake up GRANDMA WILL BE HERE!!!! He loves his grandma! skipping a few hours....He woke up from his nap and was really cuddly. He felt warm but not hot! Skipping a few more hours...by that evening however he was on fire! I gave him some Motrin drops this time and he just wanted to cuddle and did not want to eat. Oh he was drinking like there was no tomorrow, but not eating. He went to bed and I finished my Star Wars series! LOL and at 3am he came into my room coughing and wheezing with 104.5* temp! I freaked out and woke Jory up and said that we better take him the the ER. He said that I should just put him in a cold bath. I said you try and put him in a cold bath when it is 3am and he already has the chills! He said okay and I layed Christian down with Jory while I threw on something other than Pjs. By the time I got done brushing my teeth,( it only took me a minute to get dressed and brush my teeth) I went back into the room and Jory was sweating. He said this kid is HOT!!!! I said see why I want to take him to the ER!?!? We went to Menorah Medical Center, that is where he was born, and there was no one there! They were able to get him in right away! We saw a really nice doctor and he said that his body is just fighting off some kind of infection. I was worried it was Pneumonia or something like that! Thank God it wasn't. So basically I am a paranoid mama and we spent $100 for my peace of mind! Oh well he (the doctor) said that I did do the right thing. I have always been told if the fever reaches 104* to take them to the hospital. So that is what we did! Christian is STILL not feeling better, but he at least slept all night last night. Poor kid he has been so sick lately, and I just can't seem to make him feel better. He just likes to snuggle and so we have been doing a lot of that the last couple of days. I am so glad that I can be there for when he calls "Mama, Dadda, Mama" I love just sitting with him and he just lays his head down on my shoulder! I love being a mom! Nothing can take that good feeling away....until he does something bad!!! LOL So that is my story!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Who are you??? Just wondering? If you could please put your name on your comment so I know who you are!!! I like the advice, but I would like to know who you are! LOL

Update on the Tongue!

Okay we went to the doctor today for Christian's tongue. The verdict is in....his tongue is tied! He will have to have it clipped. I have made the appointment for July 22. Dr. Brack said that her son had to have it done and it is no big deal. It will just feel like a mouth sore once he has it done. Like I said I am not too worried about it, but I want him to be able to put his tongue to the roof of his mouth and he can't do that right now! So anywho that is what happened! Just thought I would let you know!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Well well, I don't have much to say, except that I am currently in to movies that have more than one to them. AKA... Harry Potter, X-Men, Lord of the Rings, and the current one that I am watching right now, is Star Wars!!!! LOL I am SUCH A DORK!!!! I know most of you are thinking, what on earth does she do all day! Well now you know! I am just kidding I do more than just watch movies all day. I clean, shop, do laundry, shop, go to my Mom's house, shop and did I mention SHOP!!! Jory would say I am obsessed! Not a good thing to be addicted to. It is a good way to go broke! I really don't shop that much. I have been getting better about it. Jory would be proud! I went to Target the other day and I made a list and I STUCK to it! Yea for me! I told you I am getting better! So if you have made it this far down, you can probably tell that Jory is out of town again! Now I know a little how Jenny feels. Poor gal she NEVER gets to see Jeremy! I will most likely not see Jory or sleep in the same bed as him till Thursday night! I know that is not a long time, but it doesn't mean that I don't miss him or that Christian misses him. Just tonight he (Christian) got all upset that Jory wasn't here to eat dinner with him. So sad, but I took a picture of him kissing my phone to send to him. My Phone was all wet, but it was a cute picture of his lips! LOL I guess I will not take up anymore of your time! You have better things to do then listen to me ramble! Samuel L Jackson is kicking the Sith Lords' butt in Star Wars!!! I know, I know I am a DORK!!! Woops he just died! Oh well, I guess that is it! Ciao!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Tongue Tied and Potty training!

Well we think that Christian has his tongue tied down. He can't stick his tongue out all the way, he has like a heart shaped tongue! Jory noticed it a few weeks back. I was not real worried about it at first and I am not right now, but everyone that I have talked to says that I should have it clipped now, rather then later! So on Weds morning he has an appointment with Dr. Brack, and I am sure that she will send him to a specialist for it! I hope that with his tongue being tied, it has not messed with his speech. He has a hard time with "T's" and "P's" His "please" is "cheese" It was cute at first, but now I actually want him to say "Please". Well I should not expect too much from him, he is only 21 months! I can understand him, even when no one else can. He has been kissing, with the lip smack! LOL He is SOOOO cute!
Potty training.....where to start! Hummmm!?!?!? I ask him everyday if he went pee pee or poo poo! He has been telling me the correct answer. I have decided not to push him into it. When he does sit on the big boy potty, I DO make a big deal about it. He thinks that it is a fun game. I have not recently been able to get him to actually go potty when he sits on the toilet. But he thinks it is fun! So that is where I am at on toilet training! Does anyone have any advice??
That is all I have for now!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Okay okay I know!! Here are the pictures!!!!

Okay I know that I said that I would put some pictures of Christian and his new pool on the blog. Here is why I haven't done it yet...

I had to run to Target yesterday afternoon and by the time we got back and I got all of his clothes boxed up that do not fit him anymore, It was time for me to cut a couple of ladies hair! He is not allowed outside without me anymore because of the pool. So needless to say he did not get to swim yesterday! To top it off it is raining today! I will soon post some more pictures of him! He is SOOOOOO cute!

We are off to the lake this weekend and hopefully will be able to post some pictures of him in the lake water! That is all I have for now


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Pool Time

Well last year we got Christian a little baby pool that is padded on the bottom and had toys ect. on it. It is TOO small for him this year, so Jory and I got him a new one. It is not real fancy, but it has a slide and Christian LOVES it. I like it too, not to mention. I put my feet in it an read while he is playing. I am always right there just in case he needs me.

We spend so much time outside, I love my back yard and my neighbors. They are so nice. We were outside on Sunday, Fathers Day, and my neighbor behind us was sitting outside with her dogs and she yelled "Dyan, your son is SO cute!" Then she asked if we liked cake and I said yes, a little too much. LOL and she brought over a few pieces of cake over to us! So nice! Our other neighbors are really nice too! We are so lucky to live in a nice neighborhood!

We are getting ready to go down to the lake this weekend. We will be coming back on Saturday night, because I will have to be at church on Sunday! So it will hopefully be a relaxing trip, but a quick one!

Speaking of church...tonight is the first board meeting and my dad is on the board. Hopefully it will be a great first meeting. There is a lot of changes going on in the church and It will be nice to have fresh views on the board. Hopefully we will be getting a new pastor soon. I really miss the Pusey's. I really hope that they are enjoying Idaho! So I guess I would have you pray for the board meeting tonight!

I guess I really don't have any other random thoughts right now. I will post pictures of Christian in his new pool when he wakes up from his nap today!


Friday, June 13, 2008

An Update!!! (I added pictures!!!)

Hey Everyone! I wanted to let you know that I have updated since Jory's Birthday! LOL I must have deleted it by accident! OOPS my bad! Anywho... We just got back from Oklahoma this past weekend for the Swim Family reunion. It was a TON of fun! I was so happy to see family that we have not seen since Jenny and Jeremy's wedding. Dad #2, Jeremy and Jory all rode down on the motorcycles and Jen and I drove down in the car with the boys. Jenny started off riding on the back with Jeremy and when we stopped for food in Gardener, KS we switched. We stopped right out side of Emporia to get some gas, and I got sick. I think it was from the McDonald's that we ate! Oh boy how I hate fast food! So I did not ride anymore that day, and Jen drove. I felt bad because I think that she wanted to ride more but she thought that I was still felling bad. It was nice of her to drive, but I wish that she had told me that she wanted to ride more. Sorry Jen! Anyway, We had a great time. I got Christian some clothes at a garage sale for like $15 bucks. Good clothes! They are like Gymboree and Carters, they all look like new to me! Staci found some awesome deals too! We ended up leaving on Sunday morning, because it was supposed to rain. Luckily we missed the rain! I was glad to be done with the drive home! It was a stressful one for me! I got us lost! I don't get lost very often but for some reason I dicided that I wanted to go on another turnpike! The directions said to take the turnpike so I did! LOL It was the WRONG ONE!!! Of course it was, so .90c later we were back on track! Well we made it home that is all that counts! Not much else is going on in my life. Jory is going down to the lake this weekend. Our friends Adam and Paula have a lake house that belongs to Paula's parents. Well they are going down to do some work around the house. Like spray for Poison Oak and Ivy and put a railing around the porch. Stuff like that. I thought that Christian and I would just stay home. It would be easy to stay out of the way if we weren't down there! It will be a working trip anyways so no going on the boat. It is going to be a fast trip too. They are coming back on Saturday night. Sunday is Fathers Day. This is Jory's 2nd Fathers Day. He is such a great daddy! I love watching him and Christian interact! It is so cool the bond that they already have. Christian wants to be just like his daddy! Mow mow...That is what Christian says when Jory gets home! That means he wants to go an play on the mowers on the trailer. He knows how to drive them, just by watching Jory. Anyways, I think that is all I got for today! Oh yeah, if you are going to leave a comment and you don't have a Google account, please post your name with your comment! Thanks! I like to know who is posting comments!

Here are some Pictures from The ride sown to Oklahoma. Enjoy

Friday, May 30, 2008

Happy Birthday to Jory!!!

Well well it is Jory's 26th Birthday today! HE just got back into town from South Dakota really early this morning. Like a 2am. He is working all day today mowing and then tonight we are going to the Royals game with my parents! It is buck night and Fireworks Friday! Yeah, not everyone can say that they have have fireworks on their birthday! Anyways I will post about our camping trip once I have received pictures from my friends! Their cameras are a lot better than mine.
That is all I have today....HAPPY BIRTHDAY JORY!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

I'm Back!!!!

Okay Jory has been out of town all this week, and he took the computer with him. So I am back posting and reading your posts!!

We are gearing up for a fun filled weekend with our friends! We are going down to the lake, Our friends parents just bought a farm house down there and we are going to camp out on their land and go out on the boat! I am so excited! I went shopping with Paula yesterday to get our food for our trip. We kept the cost of the food down to around $50 per family. Not bad for 4 days! We leave tomorrow morning!

In two weeks we are headed out of town again. This time it is for a family reunion, in Oklahoma. We are also excited for that trip. Jory Jeremy, and Dad #2 are riding motorcycles down there and Jen and I are going to take turns driving the car and riding on the back of the bike with our hubby's!! What fun. Hope it doesn't rain....Jory said he won't ride if is supposed to rain. Grandpa Swim has been really sick with his cancer, so it will be really good to see him and Grandma. Not to mention, it will be really nice to see everyone else too! They have not seen Christian since he could barely sit up. They will be in shock to see how much he has grown up.

We are really trying to keep Christian's paci away from him during the day....OH BOY it is hard. He walks around saying paci, paci, paci.... Then he throws a fit until I can distract him with something else. AHHH!!! It is really testing me. I can't give into him every time he asks for it! Oh yeah to top the stress card, I am going to really start potty training him next week! That will take a BUNCH of time! We will see how that goes! The doctor says that I should not push him, but I have backed off of the whole big boy potty thing, and I want to get him excited about it again! We will see.

I planted my flower pots last week, they are so pretty here are a few pictures of them.

I love my back yard...Christian and I spend a lot of time outside now that it is warm. He plays and I read. Usally until Jory gets home then I start dinner! I love Summer! The lake the warm and the tan!!! LOL

That is all I have for now!