Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Belly Casting

Well thanks to my friend Emily Neeld, I am going to do a belly cast of baby Lilly! It is SOOOOO cool! I have heard of people doing this so they can remember the fun times of being pregnant! Emily has a art degree and this is right up her alley! I was reminded last night of it when I was watching the Bachelor on TV. They (the girls) did a bust cast for breast cancer research. It was so cool! They go to paint it with whatever they wanted and then they were going to be sold, and the $ was going to go toward cancer research! Anyways, I have wanted to do this since we found out it was a girl. It would have been cool if I could have done this with Christian, but I am going to put this in her room, and I think that it would have been a little weird if I would have had a cast of my bust and belly in my sons room! So I did belly pictures with him instead! I will do this instead of pictures with Lilly. Something special for each of them! Anyways here are a few pictures of what they look like! It is SO cool, at least I think it is. Other people might think that it is weird! Oh well! I will have it painted pink with butterflies and her name on it! I will post pictures of it when I get it done. I will wait till I am about 7mths along so it is a really good cast! Enjoy the pictures!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Lilly Dyan

Okay so that is our little girls name! Is it cute or not??? I LOVE it! Jory picked it all himself! Well I was doing some research online about the meaning of the names Lilly and Dyan and all I found, was Lilly means "lilly" really?? That is all they have?? The meaning of Dyan is "divine" Who knew! I guess I AM divine!!!!! LOL Just kidding! So my little girls name means, lilly divine! LOL I guess that is fine, I was just hoping for a little more! So if you know anymore about those names please let me know! Anywho that is all I wanted to say!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Book Two...

Okay I am such a dork! I am totally sucked in to the Twilight books! Everyone said I would be, who knew a book about Vampires could suck me in. They are not bad, like evil. They just get you imagination going. I really liked the last half of the book, that is when it started picking up. It was a pretty slow start. It took me 4 days this time to read it. Meg says that the next one is pretty fasted paced, so we will see. I plan on starting it tonight. I have to go and buy it first though! I figured I better get some stuff done around my house today so I refrained from going to Target this afternoon! Well speaking of stuff that I need to get done, I better switch the clothes around so Jory has clean socks for tomorrow! LOL

I made it!!!

Well last night was a success! I think that I did a outstanding job with those kids! Who knew! My nerves just melted away when I got in front of them! Just thought I would update you on last night!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Choir 1

Well tonight is my first night teaching choir. I have to admit that I am a bit nervous...I mean I love to sing and I love to teach, but those two together, OH BOY!!!!! I guess God does not call those who are equipped, he equips those who are called!! At least that is what my mom says! We will see. I just got done making my lesson plans for tonight and I sent them to my mom to see if I have enough stuff on there! With the little ones, I have to keep stuff moving otherwise they get bored! I am teaching Kindergarten and First graders! Most of them cannot read yet, so teaching them songs is completely by memory. I have different rhythm activities and silly songs and games to play with them. I feel like I am ready. I just hope I don't forget their names! That will be the hardest part for me! I will have great teen helpers and wonderful Karen Fields! I will be fine!

Friday, January 9, 2009


Okay so my Sister said that I should read the Twilight books. I for a long time was like no, no they sound okay, but I don't know. They are a about vampires. Enough said. I like movies like Van Helsing(SP), and other mythical movies like them, but I did not know how I would like a book about it, I honestly thought that I would have a hard time sleeping at night if I read them. Really the only time I have time to read is at night after everyone has gone to bed. I can usually get a chapter or two in before I fall asleep. I last week gave in and got the first book of the series. It was not huge, only 25 chapters. I thought that it would have taken me a month or so, with the way that I read. Well it only took me 1 1/2 days to read it. It was way better than what I thought that it would be. I was not scary at all, it was more of a love story. I found my heart jumping and beating fast during intense parts, and books do not normally do that to me. Stephanie Meyer is the author, she is a really good writer. It completely held my attention and I can't wait to see the movie now. I am going with my Mom and Sister on Sunday sometime. Anyways if you want a good book to just escape from out world, this is a good one. It was an easy read. I am reading a few other books too, Dr. Dobson's "Raising Boys", and "The Strong Willed Child". So it is not all about Vampires. Just the last day and a half! I will let you all know how the movie was!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Chart Sucess!

Well ever since Christian has had a hard time going to sleep, I have been racking my brain with new ideas to get him to not fight me when it is bedtime. I was at my whits end the other day, because he has now started to fall asleep around 10:30PM!!!! That is just too late. I am tired he is tired and we were fighting like crazy! So I was at my moms house on Monday, and I just asked her what I should do. She was so funny, she asked me if I wanted her to tell me what to do or what!?! I said I want to know what to do! I have not done this before and I need HELP!!!! She suggested that I make bedtime a fun time, make a chart hype it up to him. I said "make a chart??" and she said "yes, make a bedtime routine chart of everything that you do before you go to bed, like get PJ's on, brush teeth, go potty, take a drink of water, read two books, pray and at the end of the chart NO CRYING!!!" Well I did it I made the chart when we got home. Christian helped me flip through magazines and cut out pictures. We glued them on a poster board and then I found some stickers. When Jory got home we had a family meeting to explain what the chart was and how much fun it will be to do this every night! Christian was excited about it! When we were done eating dinner, I told him it was time to pick up toys and get ready to go to bed and do our chart. He picked up the toys and practically ran upstairs! I thought well this is a good thing! He did the chart and got into bed and I told him I would stay for 5 minutes and then I was leaving and he had to stay in his bed and not get up otherwise he would get a spanking. Well lets just say that the first night was not such a huge success. but he did fall asleep in his own room, not down stairs. Well I asked my bible study to pray for me yesterday and I think that it worked, because he was asleep in his own bed with no tears before 8pm last night! So I hope that it is only going to get better! I will not give in, I will not give in!! So anyways Mom you had a GREAT idea and I guess I just have to learn from the best! LOL

Saturday, January 3, 2009

The time has come...

Yes Yes it is time at last to take down the Christmas Decor. I am so sad! I love Christmas and I don't want it to go! My house will look so empty when everything is down. Now a days I get really tired really fast, so we will see how much I actually get down today! It seems like it takes forever to put up the stuff, but not real long to take down! We will see tho.

Christian is of course up to no good today! He does not want to take a nap and he wants candy instead of his sandwich I made for him! I did find out the other night that he does like crab legs! Of course I had to break them open for him, but he could not get enough of it. He did not even want to eat his noodles. Funny at least I found a meat that he does like. Can't get the kid to eat chicken or pork. But he does like fish. Weird huh?? Most kids would eat chicken before they eat fish! Leave it up to my kid to do just the opposite!

Well on Weds morning I woke up with the flu! Yes the barfing, yucky, feel like crap flu! I thought that it had to do with the antibiotic that I took the night before for my sinus infection, but when I called the doctor, she said it was not because of that. Well crum...not only did I have a sinus infection, I could not keep anything down! I was planning on having a New Years Party at my house that night, but I had to cancel that. I was in no condition to play hostess! I felt so bad that I had to cancel. Oh well I had to get better tho. I am MUCH better! Thank the Lord for that! Funny...The last time that I was throwing up I just asked the Lord to make it stop! He answered my prayer. I know it was him, I just know it! So really it was thank the Lord! LOL

Last night was fun. We had Scott, my (FIL) come over and watch Christian while we went down to the Plaza for dinner at Hibachi Japanese restaurant and a walk around the Plaza to look at the lights. It was great food and great company. My sis and Drew came and Brandon and Janell meet us down there. They normally sit 8 at a table and we sat with a girl that I went to High School with. Shannon, I think...well she was the class before me, so I asked her if she knew Jeremy Buske...and she said she did. Not surprising, he was very popular in high school. I don't like throwing out his name, but she looked VERY familiar to me. Anywho they were a VERY interesting couple. They gave Jory a shot of Hot Sake...don't know how much he liked that, but he took it and he did not die! LOL Anyways the evening was really fun, it was like a post New Years thing. Too bad Adam and Paula could not come! I am sure that they are having a blast skiing in CO!

Well little baby girl inside of me is sure kicking around a lot! It is so cool to have that feeling again! I can't wait till people can actually feel her kicking. I really can't wait till Christian can feel her. It will be so cool to see his face. I doubt he knows what really is going on, but it is still cool!

Mom and Dad get back late tomorrow night from their New Years cruise. I think that they had a fun and exciting time! Can't wait to see pictures. I know Cali will be very excited to leave my house, poor doggie, she had been picked on all week and I know that she misses my mother. I have been home with her a ton, so it is not like she has been alone, but she has a bond with my mom that she does not have with me. I have decided that I do not want a dog tho, they are just a lot of work. We like to be gone to much for long periods of time that I would make it had if we had a dog. My mom's dog is really good and she has put up with a lot this week with Christian constantly on her case. But she will be glad to get home I am sure!

Well I think that I will stop rambling for now! I will post pictures of the basement, when the floor is dry, Jory stained it today...It looks really cool right now...Can't wait till it is completely done!
