Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Just say NO!!!

HA! I thought that was a funny title to this post!
I am just saying NO to pasta and bread now! I feel great and have lost a pound or two! I also have been running/walking on the treadmill everyday. WOW what a difference just changing your mindset on a few things will do! I am going to be swimsuit ready soon! I know it will take time, but I can do it!
What brought this on was someone last week asked when I was "due", yes like baby due! Oy that hurt! I have been asked that before, but it still hurts. So that was a light bulb moment that I HAVE got to do SOMETHING about this! So I have decided to cut out the things that I love the most, besides my family, and that just happens to be bread and pasta! I HAVE to cut them out cold turkey, otherwise I won't do it. I have been eating a lot of turkey, some cheese, nuts, and green veggies! Dinners I just don't fix the potatoes or rice. It is just meat and veggies. I will eventually add them back in, but I have to "cleanse" my body of them. I hope that I never really want them anymore! They have been the biggest problem with me trying to loose weight! I have about 40lbs to loose, and I am going to do it! So that is what is going on with me these days!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Omaha Zoo

So this last weekend we took a quick trip up to Omaha! It was a short little trip, but a fun one! Scott, Jory's Dad lives up there now, and so earlier last week I told Jory I would like to go to the zoo and lets go to the Omaha Zoo that way we could see your dad too! (not that he is IN the zoo, but IN Omaha)!! I was not expecting Scott to be able to go to the zoo with us, but he was able to! The kids really enjoyed seeing him.

So I have never been to the Omaha Zoo before, but I have heard that is one of the best zoo's in the country. #3 to be exact. I liked it, but I did not like how it was laid out. It had a lot of dead ends and there were no signs directing you where to go. I did however like the exhibits of all the animals! They had a beautiful butterfly dome, and an AWESOME aquarium! C liked that the best! The Aquarium had a walk through tunnel that the sharks and fish could swim over-top of you. It was my favorite as well! I LOVE the sea and all the creatures in it! They also had one of the biggest Cat complexes that I have ever seen. They had a TON of cats! They also had one of the most beautiful male Lions that I have ever seen. He had the most beautiful manes ever! All in all the zoo was great!

Another cool thing that we did at the zoo was the "Teddy Bear Experience". What it was, was a"teddy bear" hospital for your child's stuffy! I am SOOO glad that we had Moo Moo with us!
Christian was able to get Moo Moo a flu shot and some X-rays. He got his heart checked out and got some new stuffing and stitching. It was SO cool! They gave Moo Moo a hospital band and C got a matching one so he could pick him up after his surgery! It was the cutest things that I have ever seen! All the workers were dressed up like medical workers! It was cool!

Lily slept most of the time we were at the zoo. We forgot our storller so we rented a wagon to carry Lily and the diaper bag. We put Scott's jacket and her blanket under her. She kicked back and realxed while we pulled her! She feel asleep shortly after we got there! She was still so cute! When she was awake she did not really care about the animals!

The Weather was GREAT!!! We had lots of sunshine and low 60's. PERFECT!!!! All in all we had a great day/weekend! Here are a few pictures of Moo Moo getting checked out and of the train ride!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

A few things...

Well I promise I have not forgotten about this blog, I have just been REALLY busy lately. With Easter over and summer coming I have a little more time.

We had a great Easter Sunday. We had all of our family and friends over. I just love having everyone in my house all together celebrating the most important holiday in our Christian faith. Lily was a doll that morning, she was dressed so pretty and Christian was just as handsome as ever. We had a great worship service and everyone showed up to help in the nursery who was supposed to be there. After church we came home and I got lunch ready and we ate and ate and ate! Christian and Chase then went outside to do an Easter egg hunt. Chase got bored and so Christian was just finding the eggs! He got so excited each time he found one. Lily was sleeping through all of this! She was one tired chick! Christian was hyped up on sugar that day too! Boy was he a fun kid that night!

Well I had been doing this workout program called P90X. I was doing a great job with it too! This past week and a half I have majorly slacked off. I now feel sluggish and yucky! I have just been SO tired and I just seem like I cannot get into it! I NEED to get my butt in gear! We are almost to swimsuit season and I am a big fat whale that needs to loose at least 40 lbs! Why is this such a problem for me to loose? I have struggled with this for 3 years too long. I want to be my skinny self again. I WANT to feel good about my body and have my hubby be proud of me. Why is eating such an addiction to me. I don't have problems with drugs and I am not an alcoholic. FOOD is my addiction!!! I HATE THAT!!!!! Do I just not know what to eat to help me loose weight?? NO, I DO know what to eat, it is just that I LOVE the food that I am not supposed to eat, like pasta, bread, pasta, candy, get the point, I LOVE pasta! Jory hates it! Ok so I am going to change things....I am just not going to eat! LOL just kidding, I am going to do the slim fast shakes and cut the pasta and bread out. I am just not going to eat it anymore. It will be hard, and I might falter, but I think that I am more worried about how I look in a swimsuit than my love for pasta and all things bad for me. I want to look like my friends Paula and Janell! They are beautiful and healthy! Ok DYAN get your rear in gear! High protein here I come!!!

On another note, Jory found out that he is allergic to Gluten and Cows Milk. So hubby is going to help me out with this new way of eating, since he HAS to do it, it will be easier for me to get on the bandwagon. It is funny we need to find someone to watch the kids some night, so we can go on a "Whole Foods" shopping trip. We need to really look at labels and make sure that it is something that Jory can eat. Date night at Whole Foods!!! LOL!!!

Here are a few pics from Easter! Enjoy!