Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Turkey Day To Do List:

Okay since I am hosting Thanksgiving Dinner at my house, there is stuff I need to get done! So here they are:

  • Go to Target (paper plates and other items that I need for the house)
  • Clean Kitchen
  • Iron Chair Covers
  • Vacuum ALL carpets
  • Clean Bathroom(s)
  • Make cornbread (for dressing)
  • Figure out what plates I want to use for dinner (Cape cod, or White Square)
  • Get Christian's high-chair ready
  • Dust the dinning room table
  • Put leafs in the table
  • Empty shoe basket by the door (no shoes in my house)
Well I think that is it for right now! I am sure I will think of more stuff to do. I really don't have a ton to do, I just cleaned my house late last week b/c of my At Home America Party. So my house is clean, there are just toys everywhere. Oh well it is just family! Well I hope that you all have a great Thanksgiving! Enjoy!
Oh yeah here is my Menu too!

  • 2 Turkeys (one fried and one roasted)
  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Noodles
  • Dressing
  • relish tray
  • Sweet Potatoes (Grandma is bringing them)
  • Bread rolls
  • Pumpkin Pies (Mom is making those)
  • Fruit
  • Hash brown Casserole
  • Cinnamon rolls
  • Juice and Milk

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Beth!!!! LOL 2 1/2 Months Late!!!!

Okay so I am sitting here with my best friend Beth, and she said Dy post my pictures from my birthday! We went to dinner at Brio down on the Plaza. Her boyfriend Chris and his parents, Beth's parents, and another best friend of Beth's all went to dinner! It was so much fun! We had GREAT food and lovely atmosphere! You should see the salad that Beth got! FUNNY it came with a steak knife! LOL! Who would of thought that a salad needed a STEAK KNIFE!!! Anyways here are a few pictures! Love you Beth! Thanks for sharing your day with us!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Okay Really???

So being pregnant is not so bad this time around...I have not been as sick as I was with Christian. Thank God for that. I have however had these HORRIBLE migraines! I talked to Jill, my mid-wife on Thursday this past week, and told her that I was getting these horrible migraines and my Tylenol was just not cutting the pain. She gave me a stronger med that would cut the pain! Well I have not gotten it filled yet and last night I got one. Well I woke up this morning and I still had it! I was thinking OH NO I have to cut Jeremy's hair this morning, I hope I don't get sick when he is here. Well Jenny sent me a message, saying that Chase, my nephew was sick and Jeremy was going to have to stay at home with him today. Good thing, because I was completely not able to function this morning. In fact I am still feeling poopy! Oy....I am glad I am not as sick as I was when I was prego with Christian, but these migraines SUCK!!! So hence the title of my entry! Really?? I just had to vent a little, I can't wait till I have some energy back! The prize at the end of the tunnel is going to be worth it!

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Okay to all of you readers...I need to know who you are. If you leave a comment on my blog please sign your name. I want to know who you all are! So if you do not blog, and you leave a comment by anonymous please sign your name. Thanks!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Well Well Well...McCain Lost

Okay so it was a historic night last night...The first African American Man is elected President. To tell you the truth, I am NOT a fan. I think that he has no experience leading. The 2 years that he was in the Senate, he was campaigning for the presidency for one of those years! Wow! I am amazed at our country is so desperate for change that they would elect someone with such little experience. Oh well I guess that is what makes us a free country! Well I think that he has a lot of ground to cover. There are still a lot of people who are not crazy about him! We will see how this country goes over the next 4 years! Well this is MY blog and I have the right to say that I am not crazy about the turn out of the election! I hope that God will protect us and our country.

Monday, November 3, 2008

I guess I have been tagged!

Well everyone that reads my blog knows Jen and they have been tagged too! So I decided to just post 7 random things about myself to amuse my sis-in-law! So here they are...

1) I am 9 1/2 weeks prego. This is our 2nd and my friend Mel thinks that I am going to have a girl! I also go to a Mid-wife this go around! I really like her, and she might be coming to me to get her hair done! So not only is she going to deliver my baby. but she will be my client! Funny huh?!?!

2) I like to clean! It is fun to me! Weird huh? Who really likes to clean? I guess me! I have not really been in the mood to clean lately...morning sickness kinda curbs my cleaning drive! My mom would say that my house is always clean, but it is not!

3) I am so happy that my hair business is picking up! I love being a stay at home Mom, but I also love doing hair! I have the best of both worlds...I don't have the drama of a salon, but I feel like I have my own salon! Now if the basement was done, it would feel more like my own salon! Everyone who comes to me doesn't mind flipping their head in to my immaculately clean kitchen sink, but I still feel bad! I have the best Hubby in the world to be giving up part of the basement for my "salon"!!!

4) I have never in my life been a Mini Van type of person! Personally I think that those women who drive mini vans are CRAZY SOCCER MOMS!!!! They run people off the road and such! But since I have had a child, I want one! I will probaly be one of those CRAZY SOCCER MOMS, but the good thing is that I really don't drive that much anymore, so I don't know if that is a good thing or not! By the way I want a Honda Oddsey! They are the best looking vans if I do say so myself!

5) I like gloomy doesn't make me depressed like it does to other people. It makes me want to curl up with Hot apple cider and watch a movie or a book! I love rain, snow and just grey skys! I could live in Seatle, WA.

6) I like hositng partys! Any kind of party! I love to plan the food and clean and have people in my house! I LOVE people! I think that I love to have people over because I talk 2 year old everyday and i think that Jory gets tired if me me talking his ear off when he gets home. So therefore I like to have people over so I can talk their ears off too! LOL Speaking of...I am having a At Home America Pary at my house on the 21 of November at 7pm, if anyone would like to come they are welcome!

7) I have only had a craving for rainbow sherbert and grape soda since I found out that I was prego! Funny! No pickles and ice cream, acually the smell of pickles makes me sick! Yuck! Yeah right now even the thought of pickles is not making me feel that great! Okay stopping now!

Okay so there is my random things about me! Hope you enjoyed! I live a pretty plain life! Hope you are happy Jen!

Vote Tomorrow! I hope our county doesn't go down the toliet! I might move to England! We will see! Pray that our country is safe!