Tuesday, March 25, 2008

It is Starting to Become Spring!

Here are a few pictures of Christian playing outside! He loves it out side! Enjoy!

Mom won't let me eat the chalk...so I will eat it off my SHOE!!!!

I am so curious about the plug!!

Chalk, Chalk, Chalk....Look at me draw!!!

Yummmm!! Bubbles!!!

I so cute!!!!

Look at me...I can do my trick outside too!!!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter!!!

So this was the first Easter in our new house! It was great! We started out the day by going to church. There was two identical services. Jory and I subbed during the first hour in the Toddler 2 room. We had one kid!!! Then we tried to take Christian to the service....that lasted 5 minutes! I took him back to the nursery to play on the slide! He had way more fun in there then he did with us! The service was really nice. It is so great what Jesus did for us on the cross, that he died for OUR sins! After the service I had to clean up the nursery and Jory went ahead and took Christian out to the car. I meet him out there and then we came home. Meg went home to get her stuff to make green bean casserole and her and Sidney came over. (Drew was sick) Scott went home to change and so did my dad. Mom rode with Jory and I home, she brought her clothes with her. I got stuff out for lunch, all pre-made! I made the eggs and potato salad on Sat. and I set the table on Sat too! Everything was ready! Jory and I had Scott, Mom and Dad, Meg and Sidney for dinner. It was very nice. I love my dining room! I got fresh flowers for the table just to make it look like spring time! Christian Had an Easter egg hunt once everyone got to the house. He did a whole lot better than what I thought he would. We had to do it in the living room, it was too cold outside. He found each egg and wanted to open each one right away! I put candy coins in them. (he like treasures!) After he was done finding all the eggs we ate lunch! Yummmm! It was really good. Mom brought the ham. It was yummy. I made cupcakes for dessert they looked like Easter eggs! Jenny and Chase came over after they were done at the Buske's house. Jeremy had to work. Poor kid he has had to work each holiday so far this year! That has got to suck! Anyways it was a really nice Easter. Christian was so worn out that he slept till 9:30am. That means I overslept! Ahh! I hate it when I do that! I feel like my whole day is gone! So here are some pictures of my pretty table, and Christians Easter basket!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Waiting for Daddy!!!

Christian is so stinking cute!! He loves his daddy sooooo much! He can hardly stand it when I tell him that his daddy is going to be home in a few minutes!! He sits at the door just waiting for Jory to get home! It is so cute! He gets so excited when he starts walking up the sidewalk to come in the door! If the kid is tired before Jory gets home, he is no longer when Jory walks through the door! Here are a few pics of Christian waiting for daddy! Enjoy

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Get Your Motor Running!!!

Christian is so funny!! He LOVES his moose that my mom brought him back from Alaska! It is his "lovey" He caries it around with him where ever he goes! He can't go to sleep without it, and God forbid we leave the house without it! Just yesterday he was playing with moose and his tractor car and he was driving moose around! It was so funny! I took some pictures of moose taking the ride and then kicking Christian off!! Enjoy!
I want to take you for a ride Mr. Moose!
oh no you didn't!!!
HA HA take that!!!

Monday, March 17, 2008

I could kill my CAT!!!

Okay, so Jory and I this weekend got our carpets shampooed! I really needed to get them cleaned in my dining room, because my cat Harley had been going to the bathroom in there. I don't know why she started doing it, but it has been in the last few months that she started acting out! It is so frustrating because you can't train a cat like a dog. Cats just don't get it...or they just don't care. So anyways we got the carpet shampooed...when we got back home from church on Sunday, we looked in the dining room and saw that she did it again!! Jory was so mad. I got the stuff to clean it up and he went looking for the cat! She was sleeping under the bed upstairs and he drug her out and put her in the laundry room, where her cat litter box is at. He said that she needs to stay in there forever!! So I am just SO tired of her going potty in my dining room that I did not argue! He did some research on the computer...and found out that sometimes cats start doing that because their box needs to be cleaned with soapy water! So I did that! I also went to Walmart and got a bunch of stuff for Jory to re-clean our carpet!! LOL!!! I moved her box around in the room and changed the brand of her kitty litter....so lets see what happens! I think that we just need to keep her locked up for a while. She has everything that she needs in that room. She has her food and water, kitty litter box, and a bed in there. I just can't have her pooping and peeing in my dining room any more!!! It is gross! I think that during the day I will just close the doors upstairs and keep her down stairs with me, and then lock her up in the laundry room when we leave. It seems like she only does it when we are gone. So that is what we are going to have to do!

Thats all for now!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me!!!!

Happy birthday to me, Happy birthday to me, Happy birthday, dear Dyan....Happy birthday to me!!!

Well today I have been on this earth for 25 years! So far my 25 years have been great!! I am married and have my first kid...I stay at home...life is GOOD!!!

Well since my birthday landed on a Wednesday this year...that meant that I would be at choir. So for a little fun I went to Party America and got party hats and party favors for the kids. I brought cupcakes and candy for them!! It was so much fun! I thought that the kids would think that I was the biggest dork because I made them wear party hats! They loved it. They are such a cool group of kids! I just love them.

After choir, I was going to go home, but Jory was not there yet. I did not want to eat dinner by myself on my birthday, so I gave my mom a call and asked where her and my dad were going to eat dinner. She said On The Boarder. I asked if i could join them...and she said OF COURSE!!!! So I had a margarita and a burrito for dinner...YUMMM!!! I love Mexican food!

Saturday I am going to go to the Olive Garden for my birthday dinner. There is going to be 12 adults and 2 kids!! It will be so much fun. I never get to eat at the Olive Garden, so that is what I wanted!

All and all I had a really good 25th birthday. Oh yeah I forgot to tell you what Jory and Christian got me...I got my i pod!!! Yeah I finally got one!!! I love it!!! All I did today was play with it and try and figure it out!

I will post pictures when my mom sends me some. There are some cute ones!!

Thats all for now!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Okay finally an update!!

Here is my update finally!!!

Have you ever been so mad that you just want to scream? Well that was me last night!! Christian was being a total brat and I was so tired that we just clashed! He threw his Mac and Cheese across the table and onto the floor! OMG I could have killed him!! (Not really) but I was so mad that I snapped and I yelled at him. He got this terrified look on his face and started crying harder than he already was!!! I had to go upstairs and cool down before Jory killed me!! I finally cooled down and went into Christian's room and said I was sorry for yelling at him, and hugged him and kissed him, and he just snuggled his head in my neck. That was enough to melt my heart. I was such a bad mommy...my poor kid is going to remember me as the yelling saying NO mommy!! I am always really calm with him, but last night It was not there!!

Wednesday is my BIRTHDAY!!! Yea!!! I can finally rent a car!! 25 years I have been on this earth and so far it has been really great! We are going to the Olive Garden for dinner on Saturday night!! YUMMMMMMM!!! I am so excited to eat there. They have such good salad and breadsticks oh yeah and i am going to get totally fatting Fettuccine Alfredo!! YUMMMM! What? Its my birthday I can eat what I want, I don't care how many calories it has in it! It will taste really good. Oh yeah and on Weds, I am going to bring cupcakes for choir 3 and Meg!! Then I am going to break out party hats for the kids to wear!! How often do you turn 25? DUH I guess just once!!! LOL

Okay so my update is kind of stupid, but at least it is an update!!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

13 Hours and 72 Meals later.....

Janell, Mel, Me and Paula
All of our FOOD!!!

Paula and her Loaf of Meat
More food!!!

So 13 hours and 72 meals later we are done!!!

Some of my friends and I decided that we wanted to do a Social Supper type of thing....Social Suppers is a place that you can go and make meals then freeze them, so you have meals prepared ahead of time. It is really designed for working women who don't always have time to come home and make dinner every night. So anyways, We decided that it would be a fun thing to do together. This is my second time doing it and it seemed to work out really well. For like $200 we were able to make 18 different things, 15 meals and 3 desserts. They range from Chicken tortilla soup to meatloaf...."The Very Sexy Loaf of Meat" as Paula called it!!!

Paula's Very Sexy Loaf of Meat

The Mushrooms I sliced!

We start out the day by preparing the zillions of veggies that all the recipes call for...the mushrooms about had the best of me, I sliced all of those buggers!!! I cut my finger in the process! So those preparations took a few hours. Then we take and divide all the meat, some of it this time had to cooked ahead of time, like for the Chicken Tortilla Soup. Most of it though could be left raw, because we have to cook it when it comes out of the freezer.

I have found that Jory and I eat a lot better when we do the meals like this....we branch out on stuff that we would have never tried in the first place. So anyways here are a few pics from that day!!!!

Me making Chicken Cordon Bleu
Janell making something

All and all we had a really good time, Mel hosted us this time and next time it will be at my house. It is a really long day, but in the end we have made some really good meals for pretty cheap.

Thats all for now!