Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Monday, December 29, 2008

Girl or Boy???

That was the question...I now know what we are having and with out further ado...It is a GIRL!!!!! Yea!!! I am so excited! Jory says we are going to go broke, but I don't think so! I am so excited to dress her all up and put silly little headbands and bows in her hair! The shoes...the shoes for little girls. There is like two aisles in Target for girls shoes and like half of one for boys! Okay maybe we will go broke! LOL!!! Well that means that we will only have to pay for One wedding. Jory said he was hoping to pay for no weddings! LOL I think that he is as excited as I am that we are having a girl, she will be wrapped around his finger from the moment she is born! Daddys have a special place for daughters and mothers with sons! We are so lucky that God has given us this blessing! Anyways that is all that I wanted to let you know! Thanks for guessing!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Just another update!

So according to my sister-in-law, I have a TON to blog about!!! LOL!!! So here it goes...

Yesterday Christian hit a huge milestone in our potty training adventure. I call it an adventure because that is what it has been! He went POOP!!!! Yes I am going to talk about my sons poop on the world wide web!!! He was so funny though, so I can't pass up telling you all about it! I was finishing getting ready for the day, and he comes in with his pj's unzipped and half off! He said "potty mommy" so we went into his bathroom and he sits on the potty and then he says "Mommy leave" I did not know what to say to that so I proceed to leave and then he says "close door mommy" I really did not know what to say to that, so I just chuckled and closed the door so it was just open a crack and so I could see him in the mirror. I watched him and he was pushing as hard as he could and he was turning red and then I heard it! The plopping of the water. So I knocked on the door and said "are you done?" He said "No! Leave!!!" I laughed and closed the door again! A few minutes later he said all done! I give him some toilet paper and he wipes and then he gets off the pot then I see! He really did poop! I said "GOOD JOB!!!!!!!" We high-fived and then flushed and washed our hands! He was so proud of himself and so was I! He has been doing a really good job about peeing on the toilet but not #2! I am so proud of my little boy!

We had our Christmas concerts this past weekend at church! They were awesome! We have so much talent at our church! I even directed two songs in front of the Youth Choir. Mom was in front of KCC (the children's choir) Roger was directing orc. and adult choir, so that left me! I was SOOOOO nervous about that! I have never directed anything so i was nervous that I would screw something up! I think that I did okay! I had my eyes glued on Roger and on my Mom! I guess It was good practice for me. I need to go outside of my comfort zone every once in a while!
Anyways the concerts were a smashing hit!

We had Christmas with Jorys Dad and Sister on Sunday night! It was fun! We had it at Jennys house! She was so funny, she said she wanted to host something because she sees my sister and I host Thanksgiving and Christmas at our houses and she wanted to get in on that too! She is a good hostess!! I just love Jen and Jeremy's home! It is so beautiful! She has such good decorating
sense. and I love how she decorates for Christmas! It is so homey (sp) and warm! Poor Chase, he was so sick and so tired on Sunday. Poor kid he did not want to open anything, or play with anything! You know he was not feeling good if he did not want to play! Anyways we had a good time and good food! Thanks Jen for hosting!

Okay so I think that is it for now. I am not going to blog about Christmas yet. I will in a few days tho! Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

My Friend

Hey all, my good friend Janell has a new blog. She has started to make jewelry out of polymer clay. Her designs are really unique. She is very talented and she is taking orders. Check out her blog, I have it on the side with the rest of the blogs I look at. Have a good day!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Is it a Boy or a Girl???

Hummm, What do you think? The heart rate is normally around 160 bpm, and it is being difficult by not letting us see its little parts. Hummm, well I went to drop some stuff off to my friend Mel at my Doctors office, and of course she scanned me. She scanned me for about 1/2 an hour. Well she is not for sure yet, only 96% sure, so what do you think???? She said if it was in her belly she would say it was a ____!!!!! Hummm am I being to tricky???? You will all find out soon!!!! But let me see you guess! I might tell you if you are right! That is all I have for now!!! So tell me what you think!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Christmas Time is Here...

Okay so for the last few days I have been working on getting all of my beautiful Christmas decor up. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this time of year. I think that I love it because of the comfy cozy warmness that certain Christmas decorations bring. I love Christmas trees, as you will see in the pictures. If I can just get my tree topper to stay on the top of the tree that would be great! I feel like I have not even begun to think about shopping. Well that is because I have not! LOL I need to light a fire under my butt and get going! Well Here are a few pictures of my decorations! Enjoy!
My landing on the way up the stairs

My Railing on the stairs (Duh)

Wall in my living room

Fireplace (duh again)

The TREE!!! It is squished in the corner!