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My heart is a heavy heart this morning. I can't stop thinking about what is happening in our world today! WHY must we kill each other? When is it okay to be so pissed off at the world that we go out and kill people? The answer is NEVER, it is never okay to take someone elses life because YOU are unhappy. God says THOU SHALL NOT KILL!!! I am sickened and upset that my children have to grow up in this kind of world. There is nothing that the government or politicians can do to make this better, unless they turn to the God of mercy! Until our country turns back to the beliefs that we used to have, things will NOT change. I want to have the right to defend myself, and I want to have the knowledge that my children can be kids still, and not have to worry about what might happen if they go and see mommy run a race or go to the movies or wherever they may go...that is not to much to ask for right? We live in a sick world where we broadcast the violence in the world and do not broadcast the good positive stuff. That I believe just feeds the want for violence. Is it sad that I can count one news story that is positive and uplifting when I watch the news? Positive FEEDS positivity and Negative FEEDS negativity. Simple concept right there...
The attacks yesterday were on a group of people who are not only physically strong but mentally strong. Runners are among the happiest people in the world. They have so much energy and endorphins running through them! Sick!
I pray for the victims of the attacks yesterday and for all the other victims that have suffered from terrorism. I pray for our enemies and their souls. I pray that their sick minds can and will be healed.
God is the only way that we can be free of this legion. We need to step up our trust in God and join with the angel armies and hold tight that our enemies WILL NOT DESTROY US, but make us stronger!