Friday, April 4, 2008

Food Coma!

Okay I am so tired of FOOD!!!! Why do we as Americans and human beings eat our selfs into a Food coma! I just ate lunch and now I feel like CRAP!!! I really need to stick to my meds...they help me not over eat! When I get to feeling down I eat! I am such a emotional eater! Boy O Boy I wish that I could change it. So anyways I just wanted to vent! Thats it for now!


Unknown said...

Did you eat that????? lol

I hear ya, Honey... I'm an emotional eater too. Can I have some of your meds??? Pretty please?

XXOO Mommyyyyyyy

Unknown said...

I wanna know what that picture is of...... it's making me HUNGRY!!!

XXOO Mommyyyyyyyy