Thursday, April 3, 2008


Today Jory and I went to meet our new tax guy. He was really nice. I just about laughed though, because when we meet him, he was wearing a running suit!!! Brandon and Janell referred him to us, and I forgot that they said he always dresses in running suits!! It was so funny. He does not do anything on Quickbooks, so we have to print out a hard copy for him to refer to. Jory is doing that now. He (Jory) has worked so hard at getting everything ready for the tax guy.

It is a rainy day today, so Jory can't do a whole lot outside today, he did put down some mulch in our yard this morning. It looks really nice. I love it when it rains, I just want to snuggle up in a blanket and sleep. Speaking of sleeping...Christian SHOULD be sleeping...I hear him upstairs playing in his crib! Little bugger butt!

I think that he is sick again...a cold this time. He just had a ear infection, and before that he had bronchitis! Poor kid...he has had a lot of sickness this winter.

I am so glad spring is here. It has been a long winter! Jory said today that he hates the snow and he was glad that it was raining! Maybe stuff will start growing. I want to get huge planters out on my patio in the back. I need to go and get the planters and plants to put in them. We tend to spend a ton of time outside and I like the area that we spend time in to be beautiful! So anyway, I can't wait to get planting!!!!

So that is all I have for now!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love mulch. I want mulch.
