Thursday, May 1, 2008

Christians New Wheels!


So sorry it has been over a week since my last post!!! Not naming any names, but I have been bugged! LOL

So we went to Meg and Drew's house on Sunday for her birthday. She and Drew had the fam. out for hamburgers and such! It was really yummy. The boys went out side and I went to look for the cat. He (Niko) was hiding under the car in the garage. I looked over by Drew's car and saw that they had a play house and this little tykes car. The people who lived there before them left them in the yard. I said to Drew..."can I have them?" He said that he was trying to get rid of them for a long time! LOL I forgot about them, otherwise I would have taken them a while ago! So anyways, We don't have the play house, but we have the car! Christian LOVES it! It is easer to drive in the grass than his little John Deere tractor. It is so fun to see him play outside and learn and discover the trees and the plants! He is just like his daddy in that way...loves being outside!

I have been so busy this week! First off I am sick! I have allergies that turned into a sinus infection and now a cough! AHHHH I hate allergies! I emailed Jory's uncle Doug earlier this week to see what the symptoms of Strep throat. My throat hurt so bad on Sunday and Monday. I had no voice and could barely swallow! Then Tues it started feeling better, so I don't think that it was Strep.

So now going into my week....Our church revival services started on Sunday, since I am the nursery director, I had to coordinate volunteers to work the services. They went till Wednesday. I had to be there to open up the doors and get my workers settled. We only had two kids each night, but the service went long EVERY night! I didn't end up leaving the church until like 9pm each night! Tonight is the ONLY night that I will be home this week. Our children's musical is this weekend too. Last night was our regular KCC rehearsal. Friday night is our dress rehearsal. 5:30-8:30pm . Then on Saturday afternoon, we have our first performance. It is at 3pm. I think that the kids are getting really excited! The musical is "The Rock Slinger and His Greatest Hit!" It is the story about David and Goliath. On Sunday....The kids sing in the service and then that night at 6pm for the final performance. We are almost done! It just has been a busy week.

So there you have it! Just another day in the life of Dyan!

Mom your in my way!! Honk Honk!


Unknown said...

THANK YOU.... LOoooove the pictures! Wish they were BIGGER tho.... ya know, these eyes are OLD :-P

Love you much~ Mom

Mama's Ramblings said...

FINALLY...I will tell everyone that I am one of the people that was hounding you to update!! I like seeing pictures of Christian. He is SO CUTE!!

Julie said...

Love the pictures - those little cars are the best, aren't they? He's absolutely adorable!