Monday, November 17, 2008

Okay Really???

So being pregnant is not so bad this time around...I have not been as sick as I was with Christian. Thank God for that. I have however had these HORRIBLE migraines! I talked to Jill, my mid-wife on Thursday this past week, and told her that I was getting these horrible migraines and my Tylenol was just not cutting the pain. She gave me a stronger med that would cut the pain! Well I have not gotten it filled yet and last night I got one. Well I woke up this morning and I still had it! I was thinking OH NO I have to cut Jeremy's hair this morning, I hope I don't get sick when he is here. Well Jenny sent me a message, saying that Chase, my nephew was sick and Jeremy was going to have to stay at home with him today. Good thing, because I was completely not able to function this morning. In fact I am still feeling poopy! Oy....I am glad I am not as sick as I was when I was prego with Christian, but these migraines SUCK!!! So hence the title of my entry! Really?? I just had to vent a little, I can't wait till I have some energy back! The prize at the end of the tunnel is going to be worth it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Okay, go get your meds filled! I hope you feel better real soon.... just rest today. Keep the house dark... get plenty to eat & drink...

I love you.