Monday, December 29, 2008

Girl or Boy???

That was the question...I now know what we are having and with out further ado...It is a GIRL!!!!! Yea!!! I am so excited! Jory says we are going to go broke, but I don't think so! I am so excited to dress her all up and put silly little headbands and bows in her hair! The shoes...the shoes for little girls. There is like two aisles in Target for girls shoes and like half of one for boys! Okay maybe we will go broke! LOL!!! Well that means that we will only have to pay for One wedding. Jory said he was hoping to pay for no weddings! LOL I think that he is as excited as I am that we are having a girl, she will be wrapped around his finger from the moment she is born! Daddys have a special place for daughters and mothers with sons! We are so lucky that God has given us this blessing! Anyways that is all that I wanted to let you know! Thanks for guessing!

1 comment:

Mama's Ramblings said...


It is finally true...A GIRL!! Sounds like she is going to be REALLY spoild. Guess I better join in and start shopping now. :-)

I know what you mean about the shoe section at Target. I think that Garage Sales have better selections then the stores do. :-)

We are really excited for you guys and can't wait to add her to the cousin list.