I need to apologize to my dear blog, I have neglected you and now it is time for an update!
Lets see I forget where I have left off, I know I was still pregnant last update, but I am not now. I have had Baby Lily! She is now home and her birthday is June 3 2009. She had a hard time getting started into this world. When she was born she did not breath on her own. It took them about 10 minutes to get her to breath on her own, they called it resuscitating her, I don't like to use that because her heart was beating, slow but beating. She was in the NICU for 4 days. The hardest part of all of it was that she was not allowed to be with me in my room and then on Friday after she was born they kicked me out and they had no room for me in the hospital, so I had to end up going home that night and she stayed at the hospital. I cried all the way home that night. She never had to be on any oxygen after she got to the NICU and she looked perfectly healthy. They had her hooked up to and IV and heart moniters and two other cords that kept an eye on her, but she was perfect. I did not fully understand why they kept her for so long in there, but am grateful that they were taking her not breathing serious enough. Well she is now home and is doing great! She is eating very well and sleeping great as well! She is not a fussy baby, and she rarely crys. She looks like her daddy and is very beautiful! She is different than Christian in everyway and I love her very much! She is my angel! Christian has adjusted well considering that his 24/7 mommy attention has got to be split between the two of them. I have really tried to make it a point to spend as much time with him as possible. He loves his new sister and he loves holding her too. He has only steped on her twice now, (she is going to be one tough chick) but that is okay no harm done! He loves singing "twinkle twinkle little star" to her. Around 4pm he starts misbehaving a little, so I have to remember to keep my cool, which is hard sometimes. I have to remember that he is only 2 almost 3 and he is going to get into stuff and throw fits. So far I love being a mom of two! I guess it is to late to change that! LOL
Well I have lost about 20 lbs since I have had her, about 20 more to go! I can't wait till I am cleared to start working out again! I want to be in a two peice swimsuit by the end of summer! I know I can do it!
We are going to the lake this weekend! I cannot wait! She will be 2 1/2 weeks old and on the water! Oy! What am I thinking!?!? I know Christan can't wait to go swimming! He loves the boat! Thanks Adam and Paula, for letting us go down and enjoy the lake with you all! It is great to have friends like you!
Well I know that there is more I can update you on but I really don't have the time! I will update again soon!
Very nice, Dyan...... Your little Lily is indeed an angel.... So very sweet...
Yay for updates! Maybe Drew and I can make it out to the lake at some point this summer... that would be so fun! Love you, and love Lily! Looking forward to Sunday night! Mmmm, good eatin!
ABOUT TIME...actually I have no room to talk. :-) I just updated my blog the other night for the first time in about a month.
Thanks for letting us come over and spend Father's day with your family too!! I know that my dad will have a blast with everyone!
LOVE the pictures...Lily is beautiful, CONGRATS!
Okay Dyannnnnnnn... time for an UPDATE!!! I'm back to blogging again, so you should be too!
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