Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Just say NO!!!

HA! I thought that was a funny title to this post!
I am just saying NO to pasta and bread now! I feel great and have lost a pound or two! I also have been running/walking on the treadmill everyday. WOW what a difference just changing your mindset on a few things will do! I am going to be swimsuit ready soon! I know it will take time, but I can do it!
What brought this on was someone last week asked when I was "due", yes like baby due! Oy that hurt! I have been asked that before, but it still hurts. So that was a light bulb moment that I HAVE got to do SOMETHING about this! So I have decided to cut out the things that I love the most, besides my family, and that just happens to be bread and pasta! I HAVE to cut them out cold turkey, otherwise I won't do it. I have been eating a lot of turkey, some cheese, nuts, and green veggies! Dinners I just don't fix the potatoes or rice. It is just meat and veggies. I will eventually add them back in, but I have to "cleanse" my body of them. I hope that I never really want them anymore! They have been the biggest problem with me trying to loose weight! I have about 40lbs to loose, and I am going to do it! So that is what is going on with me these days!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You can DO it!!! I know you can. We can be accountable to each other, okay? I love you, and think you are soooooo beautiful, both inside & out!