Sunday, May 23, 2010

First time at the Lake 2010

This past Saturday was our first time as a family down at the Lake! It was nice and relaxing! I am so happy that we were able to get out of town even though it was for 24 hours! We go down to our friends' Adam and Paula's lake house! CAS owns a travel trailer that we have brought down there to stay in. It is so much easier to stay in with both of the kids! Lots of room and then I can put them down for a nap and have it be nice and quiet in there. We did not bring down the boat this weekend though! We are wanting to have a bow-filler cushion made for the boat this week, so we did not bring it down. I did however bring down a big sprinkler ball! It was fun! C had a ton of fun with it!

We are going down this coming weekend, from Thurs- Tues! Jory took a few vacation days for it! It will be fun times!

My best memory's as a child and growing up, was of our family and our friends camping every year! I am hoping to make these kind of memories for our kids! Lets see if it works!?! Enjoy a few pictures!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I see alot of Jory in Christian in that top picture. Wow... I'm so glad you are making such good memories for your children. I'm uber proud of you. And I love you.