Friday, February 22, 2008

Mom is sick!!!!

Okay so everyone in my house has been sick!! Now I am getting sick!! Jory had Bronchitus and he is still not feeling that good, so I say long is this going to last!?!?!?! I can't get sick!! I take care of everyone in my house and they (Jory) does not know what to do for me when I am sick!! He does great with Christian, but me....he kind of just leaves me alone to fen for myself!!! Sometimes I just want someone to make ME lunch, or draw ME a bath. I can't complain to much Jory DID change 2 dirty diapers today, and I mean DIRTY!!!!! That is more than he does in like one week's time!!! J/K I am not a real BAD sick person. I do like to be taken care of. So whats wrong with me you say??? My chest hurts, like I have a 10lb brick resting on it, and my whole body is aching. Not fun! So this morning I took a hot bath with some of Christian's Vapor bubble bath stuff, that I got him for his cold! That helped a little. I have been putting on Vick's Vapor Rub like every 4-5 hours on my chest. Jory says that I should put it on my feet, He says my dad swears by it!! Who knows, maybe I will try it!

I did not have to make dinner tonight....that was nice. Jory took me to Mi Publito, a little Mexican place in Belton. It is really yummy, but tonight we only saw our waiter once and they forgot Christians food to top it off! That little bugger at half of my dinner and almost all of my rice and then half of Jory's rice! We could not believe it! He was eating and eating and eating! Good food even though we didn't see our guy but one time! Jory said they are on the O'Charile's boycot list now! I guess it will be take-out from now on!

I guess that is what I got for now.....See ya!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice update... you sicko! LOL

Do you need your Mommy to come over and take care of you???