Thursday, January 15, 2009

Book Two...

Okay I am such a dork! I am totally sucked in to the Twilight books! Everyone said I would be, who knew a book about Vampires could suck me in. They are not bad, like evil. They just get you imagination going. I really liked the last half of the book, that is when it started picking up. It was a pretty slow start. It took me 4 days this time to read it. Meg says that the next one is pretty fasted paced, so we will see. I plan on starting it tonight. I have to go and buy it first though! I figured I better get some stuff done around my house today so I refrained from going to Target this afternoon! Well speaking of stuff that I need to get done, I better switch the clothes around so Jory has clean socks for tomorrow! LOL


Mama's Ramblings said...

WOW...2 posts in 1 day. I am SO PROUD OF YOU!! I can't believe that you are already moving on to ANOTHER book? You are really flying through them. :-)

Julie said...

Hehe! I think it's awesome you're loving the books too. (Though I can't imagine anyone NOT.) Book 3 was a little slow for me, but omgoodness just wait till book 4. :o)