Friday, January 9, 2009


Okay so my Sister said that I should read the Twilight books. I for a long time was like no, no they sound okay, but I don't know. They are a about vampires. Enough said. I like movies like Van Helsing(SP), and other mythical movies like them, but I did not know how I would like a book about it, I honestly thought that I would have a hard time sleeping at night if I read them. Really the only time I have time to read is at night after everyone has gone to bed. I can usually get a chapter or two in before I fall asleep. I last week gave in and got the first book of the series. It was not huge, only 25 chapters. I thought that it would have taken me a month or so, with the way that I read. Well it only took me 1 1/2 days to read it. It was way better than what I thought that it would be. I was not scary at all, it was more of a love story. I found my heart jumping and beating fast during intense parts, and books do not normally do that to me. Stephanie Meyer is the author, she is a really good writer. It completely held my attention and I can't wait to see the movie now. I am going with my Mom and Sister on Sunday sometime. Anyways if you want a good book to just escape from out world, this is a good one. It was an easy read. I am reading a few other books too, Dr. Dobson's "Raising Boys", and "The Strong Willed Child". So it is not all about Vampires. Just the last day and a half! I will let you all know how the movie was!


Unknown said...

Yeah? And don't forget to pick up Dobson's Dare to Discipline... it was my child rearing bible when you were little...

Okay... I GUESS I'll go see that weird vampire movie with you guys....

Julie said...

Squee! So glad to see you're sucked in too! Bwahaha. Welcome to the dark side - I'm sure you'll enjoy it. ;-)

Anonymous said...

As for Twilight, Bella is an awful role model for girls: willing to get into and stay in a relationship with a man who could kill her, willing to give up all her friends and aspirations for said dangerous man; allows herself to be manipulated by dad and boyfriend who basically run her life, has no hobbies, personal goals, or interest in education for "love." If that's love, no thanks. Get a life Bella. Get some self esteem too. Yeah, and I've read all four of these awful books.