Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I'm Bored!!!

So I am really bored today!! Can't wait till 4pm rolls around, because that is when we head off to church for KCC (Kids Choir). I don't have anything to clean...I cleaned everything yesterday. I guess I should not be complaining, not many people can say they don't have anything to clean in their home.
Sometimes I don't want Christian to take a nap, so I have someone to talk to!! Don't get me wrong, I love being a SAHM, but sometimes I get really lonely. Jory works 10 hours now and when he gets home he is really tired. He gets frustrated at me when I try and talk to him...cause he says that I just talk his ear off! Well I guess that is true.
I can't wait till more of my friends have babies, then maybe we can do play dates and such. I would love to do that more with Jenny and Chase, but now she works, and I don't want to take her away from her family time with Jeremy, and Chase. He works alot too, and I don't want to take that time away from them.
Chase and Christian have so much fun playing together. We watched Chase last night. He (Chase) got really upset when I took his playing buddy away from him! I HAD to put Christian to bed. He was starting to be really mean to Chase. Any toy Chase had, Christian wanted. He would take it away form Chase and I would have to step in and give it back to Chase. Christian did NOT like that so he would throw a fit! So it was time to put Christian to bed. Chase then got really tired too...he snuggled with Jory for a while, then I put him on the bean bag and he slept till Jenny got back. Chase was a good boy last night! So was Christian, until about 8pm. Then he got cranky! I love those boys! So I guess that is all I have for right now...I will update later!


Mama's Ramblings said...

I WOULD LOVE TO DO PLAY DATES MORE OFTEN!! I only work until 1 or 2. Jeremy leaves for work around 3 so I am all yours after that. :-)

Unknown said...

The lonliness gets easier, I promise! And I'm soooooo proud of you for being a SAHM! It is the best & most important job you could ever have! So, hang in there, okay? I've been there, in your shoes... and survived & really thrived!


Meg said...

Just wait till I have a'll be seeing me so much you'll get sick of me!!!