Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Why do people say what they say?

Well yesterday I had someone ask me "how far along" I was.  It has been a long time since I have had that question.  I played it off with grace, but deep down it hurt.  It hurt real bad.  I think that this time it hurt so bad because I have been working so hard to loose weight and workout.  I struggle with my mid-section like a lot of women do. I have been doing a lot of ab exercises that help target my mid-section and I have increased my cardio and even included running again.  It hurt because most days I bust my butt for 2 hours either at the Gym OR with my Personal Trainer.  I know why I struggle.  I know its my diet, but I am getting that into check.  I am bound and determined to make myself healthy and fit.  I have goals.  I WILL meet those goals.  

After the lady at the bank proceeded to ask me if I was pregnant, she then continued, after I said I wasn't, to talk to me about body wraps and other weight loss things...never apologizing for the absolutely rude question she just asked me.  I just kept a smile on my face and proceeded to tell her I workout everyday and I take my health serious.  It was all I could do to not cry, because a little bit of my pride just went down the toilet. 

I got to thinking why people think that they have the right to say things that they know they should NEVER ask a woman?  I asked Jory last night if men think about those things before they speak, and his reply was "YES if we want to live to see tomorrow!"  I married a smart man.  I know not everyone has a filter on their mouths, and even I have said things that I shouldn't have.  I at least have been embarrassed and have apologized immediately for it.  I guess all I am trying to say is people think before you speak.  I am done with this now, I am no longer going to dwell on this, it is in the past.  I now have even more reason to work hard to reach my goals.  I WILL not let someone I don't even know bring me down! 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Remember When?

I was at the gym this morning on the elliptical machine overlooking the basketball court, where they have a kids class going from 9:30-10:30.  Kids that are Lily's age.  I tend to stick by those machines because it is fun to watch the kids play and interact with each other. I was almost done with my workout when I noticed a cute little old man probably in his 80's wearing a fedora looking down on the little kids playing and running.  He had the sweetest smile on his face as he watched those kids and I got to thinking, I wonder if HE remembers HIS kids at that age?

I was visiting another one of my besties this weekend up in Nebraska.  She just had her first son in January  and he was almost 6 weeks early.  This is her first child so naturally she is a nervous wreck.  I can so remember being in her shoes!  I remember coming home from the hospital thinking, "OH MY GOSH!!! WHAT DID I DO???"  They ( the people aka Doctors, Nurses) just gave me this baby to take home and raise?  What were they thinking!?!?!  I was SUCH a wreck!  My hormones were all out of whack I was tired, I was in pain...Oh my, and now I have to care for this child who doesn't come with an owners manual?  So YES I remember that stage oh so very well.  I think all of us mothers can remember back to that moment.  By the way she is an AWESOME mommy!  I enjoyed watching her care for her son with such love, even when she was exhausted.  She and her husband will be raising this beautiful child up in such a Godly loving home.  It was fun for me to see!

I got to thinking today while I saw that old man watch down on those kiddos, why did I wish for the NEXT stage so fast?  Looking back I think it was just because I wanted to see what else my children could do.  I gave my bestie some advice before I left her and I just told her to enjoy the moment that she is in.  The cuddles and cute scrunchie baby butt, the spit up and the cute little grunts will soon be just a memory, and SHE will be looking back and remembering when her little angel boy was doing those things.  I had a lot of memories come back to me this past weekend that were so great to have of my kids.  I wish that I would have slowed down a little bit when they were so itsy bitsy so I could have savored it a bit more, but alas, here I am with a 7 year old and an almost 5 year old.  

They grow too fast and I can remember when....       

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A Fresh New Start...

Well folks, I have decided to start blogging again.  For the past year, I have felt like I have had nothing worth saying...

As a mom and wife I have found it hard to keep what is important in life in check.  This past weekend I had the incredible opportunity to go down to Tyler, TX for a Mom Life Mommy boot-camp with my Best Friend JP.  The trip was worth the drive and the weekend away from my family.  What is incredible was that when I asked Jory if I maybe would be able to go to this, he was so encouraging for me to DO SOMETHING for myself.  (I have an incredible husband that takes care of me) *anyways* This weekend was an eye opener in a lot of ways for me.
First off I was told TIME AND TIME AGAIN this weekend that "I AM the mother God intended for my children"  YES!!! YES!!! I am NOT screwing them up??  Well I guess not, God doesn't make mistakes...There are SO many times during the day, the week that I feel unworthy of being my childrens' Mommy.  I feel tired, cranky, mad, angry, did I mention tired?  There have been times I have just wanted to QUIT!  I don't want to make another PB&J, I don't want to pick up another toy, I DON'T want to clean the house, do another load of laundry...There are times I just want to sit on the couch and go Bababababababababababa, like Goldie Hawn in the movie Overboard.  You know what keeps me going?  It is the promise that my kids will be great!  I GET TO RAISE THEM!!!  I get to put my corkyness and my Dyisims in their little lives.  I am NOT screwing them up.  I am raising them to be Godly children!  I am raising them in a LOVED home where I have to learn to let the little things go.  Do more Hugs and kisses.  Less playing on the phone and more playing with chalk and Candyland and dancing to Frozen to the trillionth time in the kitchen.  I learned this weekend that it is the little things that my kids will remember.  

We took a personality test this past weekend as well.  If you know me then you know I LOVE LOVE LOVE personality tests.  They intrigue me.  They gave us this paper that we had to determine which trait best describes us.  There was Pink, Green, Blue and Orange.  I was a green.  Each color represented the personality.  
Pink= Perfect Mommy
Green= Strong Mommy
Orange= Popular Mommy
Blue= Peaceful Mommy  
I will share the link to the personalty test right here

This is what it says about me:  Pretty spot on... I guess all in all I have learned to accept who I am and who I am as a mother.  Everything else God has in his hands.

Powerfully Passionate Mom