Monday, April 7, 2014

Remember When?

I was at the gym this morning on the elliptical machine overlooking the basketball court, where they have a kids class going from 9:30-10:30.  Kids that are Lily's age.  I tend to stick by those machines because it is fun to watch the kids play and interact with each other. I was almost done with my workout when I noticed a cute little old man probably in his 80's wearing a fedora looking down on the little kids playing and running.  He had the sweetest smile on his face as he watched those kids and I got to thinking, I wonder if HE remembers HIS kids at that age?

I was visiting another one of my besties this weekend up in Nebraska.  She just had her first son in January  and he was almost 6 weeks early.  This is her first child so naturally she is a nervous wreck.  I can so remember being in her shoes!  I remember coming home from the hospital thinking, "OH MY GOSH!!! WHAT DID I DO???"  They ( the people aka Doctors, Nurses) just gave me this baby to take home and raise?  What were they thinking!?!?!  I was SUCH a wreck!  My hormones were all out of whack I was tired, I was in pain...Oh my, and now I have to care for this child who doesn't come with an owners manual?  So YES I remember that stage oh so very well.  I think all of us mothers can remember back to that moment.  By the way she is an AWESOME mommy!  I enjoyed watching her care for her son with such love, even when she was exhausted.  She and her husband will be raising this beautiful child up in such a Godly loving home.  It was fun for me to see!

I got to thinking today while I saw that old man watch down on those kiddos, why did I wish for the NEXT stage so fast?  Looking back I think it was just because I wanted to see what else my children could do.  I gave my bestie some advice before I left her and I just told her to enjoy the moment that she is in.  The cuddles and cute scrunchie baby butt, the spit up and the cute little grunts will soon be just a memory, and SHE will be looking back and remembering when her little angel boy was doing those things.  I had a lot of memories come back to me this past weekend that were so great to have of my kids.  I wish that I would have slowed down a little bit when they were so itsy bitsy so I could have savored it a bit more, but alas, here I am with a 7 year old and an almost 5 year old.  

They grow too fast and I can remember when....       

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOVE this!!! So eloquent! LOVE YOU!