Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Why do people say what they say?

Well yesterday I had someone ask me "how far along" I was.  It has been a long time since I have had that question.  I played it off with grace, but deep down it hurt.  It hurt real bad.  I think that this time it hurt so bad because I have been working so hard to loose weight and workout.  I struggle with my mid-section like a lot of women do. I have been doing a lot of ab exercises that help target my mid-section and I have increased my cardio and even included running again.  It hurt because most days I bust my butt for 2 hours either at the Gym OR with my Personal Trainer.  I know why I struggle.  I know its my diet, but I am getting that into check.  I am bound and determined to make myself healthy and fit.  I have goals.  I WILL meet those goals.  

After the lady at the bank proceeded to ask me if I was pregnant, she then continued, after I said I wasn't, to talk to me about body wraps and other weight loss things...never apologizing for the absolutely rude question she just asked me.  I just kept a smile on my face and proceeded to tell her I workout everyday and I take my health serious.  It was all I could do to not cry, because a little bit of my pride just went down the toilet. 

I got to thinking why people think that they have the right to say things that they know they should NEVER ask a woman?  I asked Jory last night if men think about those things before they speak, and his reply was "YES if we want to live to see tomorrow!"  I married a smart man.  I know not everyone has a filter on their mouths, and even I have said things that I shouldn't have.  I at least have been embarrassed and have apologized immediately for it.  I guess all I am trying to say is people think before you speak.  I am done with this now, I am no longer going to dwell on this, it is in the past.  I now have even more reason to work hard to reach my goals.  I WILL not let someone I don't even know bring me down! 

1 comment:

Alisha said...

I am so sorry and shocked to hear of such poor behavior. I too have been asked that while NOT pregnant. Please know that you are uplifting and inspiring to me! As your workout partner I WITNESS your dedication and effort. I admire that power, strength, mental perseverance, and confidence you project. There are times that your encouragement alone was the thing that got me through our workout. And your timing! Just when "I cant" about came from my mouth and tears from my gently said "you're doing great Alisha! That one's really hard. I struggled too". It have me hope that I might feel 33 again instead of 77! Love you Dy! You. Are. Awesome!